OCR A Level History: Democracy and Dictatorships in Germany 1919–63 - Nicholas Fellows

OCR A Level History: Democracy and Dictatorships in Germany 1919–63

Buch | Softcover
144 Seiten
Hodder Education (Verlag)
978-1-5104-1654-3 (ISBN)
33,65 inkl. MwSt
Exam board: OCR
Level: A Level
Subject: History
First teaching: September 2015
First exams: AS: Summer 2016, A Level: Summer 2017

An OCR endorsed resource

Successfully cover Unit Group 2 with the right amount of depth and pace. This bespoke series from the leading History publisher follows our proven and popular approach for OCR A Level, blending clear course coverage with focused activities and comprehensive assessment support.

- Develops understanding of the period through an accessible narrative that is tailored to the specification content and structured around key questions for each topic

- Builds the skills required for Unit Group 2, from explanation, assessment and analysis to the ability to make substantiated judgements

- Enables students to consolidate and extend their topic knowledge with a range of activities suitable for classwork or homework

- Helps students achieve their best by providing step-by-step assessment guidance and practice questions

- Facilitates revision with useful summaries at the start and end of each chapter

- Ensures that students understand key historical terms and concepts by defining them in the glossary

Nicholas Fellows was a Head of History for over twenty years. He has written a number of A Level History and IB Diploma titles, including in the Access to History, OCR A Level History and My Revision Notes series.

Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 219 x 276 mm
Gewicht 418 g
Themenwelt Schulbuch / Wörterbuch
Geschichte Allgemeine Geschichte Neuzeit (bis 1918)
Geisteswissenschaften Geschichte Regional- / Ländergeschichte
ISBN-10 1-5104-1654-4 / 1510416544
ISBN-13 978-1-5104-1654-3 / 9781510416543
Zustand Neuware
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