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MyHistoryLab is a state-of-the-art interactive and instructive solution for use in American History, Western Civilization, and World History survey courses. It is designed to be used as a supplement to a traditional lecture course, or to completely administer an online course.


MyHistoryLab gives you and your students access to a wealth of resources all geared to meet the individual teaching and learning needs of every instructor and every student. It provides students with an online package complete with numerous study aids and a chapter exam. The CourseCompass, Blackboard, and WebCT versions also contain an E-book of your textbook.


With hundreds of primary sources, images, audio clips, video clips, maps and map activities, MyHistoryLab offers students a unique, interactive experience that brings history to life. The comprehensive site also includes a History Bookshelf with twenty of the most commonly assigned books in history classes and a History Toolkit with tutorials and helpful links.


MyHistoryLab is appropriate for use in American History, Western Civilization, and World History survey courses. See a list of participating books on the MyHistoryLab Series page.

I. History Bookshelf

Thomas Hariot, A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia (1588)  

Mary White Rowlandson, Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson (1682)

Phillis Wheatley, Religious and Moral Poems (1773)

Thomas Paine, Common Sense (1776)

Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, The Federalist Papers (1787-1788)

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (1788) 

Thomas Malthus, Essay on Population (1798) 

James Fenimore Cooper, The Last of the Mohicans (1826)

Black Hawk, Autobiography of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, or Black Hawk (1833)

Alexis De Tocqueville, Democracy in America (Two Volumes) (1835)

Angelina Emily Grimke, An Appeal to the Christian Women of the South (1836

Frances Anne Kemble, Journal of a Residence on a Georgia Plantation (1838)

Richard Henry Dana, Two Years Before the Mast (1840)

The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave (1845)

Francis Parkman, The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life (1847)

Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience (1849) 

Sojourner Truth, The Narrative of Sojourner Truth (1850)

Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852)

Henry David Thoreau, Walden (1854)

Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861)

John Stuart Mill, The Contest in America (1862) 

Carl Schurz, Report on the Condition of the South (1865)

Excerpts from Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee by Captain Robert E. Lee, His Son (1904)

Catharine Esther Beecher, American Woman’s Home (1869)

Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885)

Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward, 2000-1887 (1888)

John Muir, The Yosemite (1890)

Rudyard Kipling, American Notes (1891)

Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Yellow Wallpaper (1892)

Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage (1895)

Ida B. Wells-Barnett, The Red Record (1895)

Kate Chopin, The Awakening and Selected Short Stories (1899)

Thorstein Veblen, Theory of the Leisure Class (1899)

Jacob Riis, The Making of an American (1901)

Booker T. Washington, Up From Slavery (1901)

W.E.B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk (1903)

George Washington Plunkitt, Plunkitt of Tammany Hall (1905) 

Upton Sinclair, The Jungle (1906)

Frederick Jackson Turner, Rise of the New West (1906) 

Gifford Pinchot, The Fight for Conservation (1910)  

Frederick Winslow Taylor, The Principles of Scientific Management (1911)

Jane Addams, Twenty Years at Hull House (1910)

James Weldon Johnson, The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man (1912)

Emma Goldman, Anarchism and Other Essays (1917) 

Carter G. Woodson, A Century of Negro Migration (1918)

F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise (1920) 

Margaret Sanger, Woman and the New Race (1920)  

Zitkala-Sa (a.k.a. Gertrude Bonnin), American Indian Stories (1921)  

Walter Lippmann, Public Opinion (1922) 

Sinclair Lewis, Babbitt (1922)


II. Chapter by Chapter Resources


Chapter 1


Charter to Sir Walter Raleigh
Magna Carta
Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, "Indians of the Rio Grande"
Bartolome de Las Casas, "Of the Island of Hispaniola" (1542)
Christopher Columbus, Letter to Luis de Sant' Angel (1493)
Dekanawida Myth & the Achievement of Iroquois Unity
Don Juan de Oñate, Letter from New Mexico to the Viceroy
From The Journal of Christopher Columbus (1492)
Henry VII, Letters of Patent Granted to John Cabot
Iroquois Creation Story
Jacques Cartier on Meeting the Micmac Indians (1534)
Jacques Cartier: First Contact with the Indians (1534)
John White, Letter to Richard Hakluyt (1590
Jose de Acosta, Speculations on the Origins of the Indians
Micmac Chief’s Observations of the French (1691)
Ottawa Origins Story (recorded ca. 1720)
Pima Creation Story
Privileges and Prerogatives Granted to Christopher Columbus
Thomas Hariot, On Tabacco (1588)
Thomas Hariot, The Algonquian Peoples of the Atlantic Coast


Aztec Rain God, Tlaloc
Cattle Arrive in the New World
Cliff Palace in Colorado
Clovis Points
Columbus Landing at Hispaniola - Woodcut
Early Botanical Illustration - New World Plants
English Trade with Indians, as Seen by Theodor de Bry, 1634
How the Savages Roast Their Enemies, 1575
Pueblo Bonito
Pueblo Indian Ruins
Reconstructed View of Cahokia
White House Ruins - Canyon De Chelly, AZ


Roundtable: The Puritans 

Lecture Launcher: The Puritans


Two-Step: Inform Your Grandma



Atlas Map: French America, 1608-1763
Interactive Map - Pre-Columbian Societies of the Americas

Atlas Map: Native American Peoples to 1450

Atlas Map: Native American Peoples, c. 1500

Atlas Map: Native Vegetation

Atlas Map: Physical Features

Atlas Map: Settlement in North America, c. 1660

Atlas Map: Spanish American to 1610

Atlas Map: Voyages of Exploration and Colonial Empires, c. 1700

Interactive Map - The First Americans: Location of Major Indian Groups and Culture Areas in the 1600s

Chapter 2



Agreement Between the Settlers at New Plymouth (Mayflower Compact)
James Oglethorpe to The Trustees
Captain John Smith to Queen Anne (1617)
Captain John Smith to the Virginia Company (1624)
Conversion Narrative of “Old Goodwife Cutter”
Father Isaac Jogues, Description of New York (1646)
George Alsop, from "A Character of the Province of Maryland"
James I of England, “A Counterblaste to Tobacco.”
James Oglethorpe, "Establishing the Colony of Georgia" (1733)
John Hammond, "Leah and Rachel"
John Smith, "The Starving Time" (1624)
John Winthrop, "A Model of Christian Charity" (1630)
Laws of Virginia (1610-1611)
Madam Knight on a Journey from Boston to New-York (1704)
Remarks by Chief Powhatan to John Smith (ca. 1609)
The Cambridge Agreement (1629)
The Charter of Maryland (1632)
The Third Charter of Virginia (1612)
Thomas Mun, "England's Treasure by Foreign Trade" (1664)
William Bradford, from History of Plymouth Plantation
William Penn to the Committee of the Free Society of Traders
William Penn, "Model for Government" (1681)
William Penn, Description of Pennsylvania (1681)


1659 Tobacco Company Advertisement

Armor from Jamestown

Cruel Conquistadores Torturing Native Amerindians

First House of Burgesses Meeting in Jamestown

John Smith Threatening Opechancanough

Mayflower replica at Plymouth, MA

Mural of Jamestown Settlement

Native American Agriculture

Pocahontas Pleading for John Smith's Life

Powhatan in Longhouse

Scene from John Smith's Memoirs

Ships at the Jamestown Settlement

Tobacco Growing in a Field

Town of Secota, 1558


Lecture Launcher: Jamestown

Lecture Launcher: The Quakers  


Interactive Map - The Colonies to 1740

Chapter 3


The Cambridge Agreement

Navigation Acts

Alexander Falconbridge, The African Slave Trade (1788)

Ann Putnam's Confession (1706) 

 Ann Putnam's Deposition (1692)

Anne Bradstreet, Before the Birth of One of Her Children

Church record of a marriage conflict, Brooklyn (1663)

Declaration against the Proceedings of Nathaniel Bacon (1676)

Elizabeth Sprigs, Letter to Her Father (1756)

Gottlieb Mittelberger, The Passage of Indentured Servants 

James Oglethorpe, The Stono Rebellion (1739)

Laws of Virginia (1661, 1662, 1691, 1705)

Legal statement by Pedro Hidalgo, soldier, Santa Fe 1680

Nathaniel Bacon's Declaration (July 30, 1676)

Of the Servants and Slaves in Virginia (1705)

Olaudah Equiano, The Middle Passage (1788)

Onandogas and Cayugas, Two Iroquois Chiefs (1684)

Prenuptial Agreement (1653)

Richard Frethorne, Letter to His Parents (1623)

Runaway Indentured Servants (1640)

Testimony by Pedro Naranjo to Spanish authorities (1681)

The Conclusions of the Massachusetts Bay Elders (1695)

The Examination and Confession of Ann Foster at Salem

Trial of Elizabeth Clawson, Stamford, Connecticut (1692)

Trial Testimony, Accomack, Virginia (1679)

Virginia Law on Indentured Servitude (1705)

Wessell Webling, His Indenture (1622)


1740s Missionary Johanna Jacob Schmick

1740s Missionary John Jacob Schmick

A Further Account of the Tryals of the New England Witches

Colonial Families - Adult and Child Reading

Diagram of Slave Ship Filled for Middle Passage

Page from The New England Primer

Phillis Wheatley

Woodcut of Witch Hangings  


Roundtable: Bacon’s Rebellion

Lecture Launcher: Slavery in the Chesapeake  


Lookie There!


Interactive Map: African Slave Trade, 1500-1870 

Interactive Map: Native American Population Loss, 1500—1700

Atlas Map: African Slave Trade, 1500-1870

Chapter 4


Jonathan Edwards, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
Albany Plan of Union
Benjamin Franklin on George Whitefield (1771)
Benjamin Wadsworth, from A Well-Ordered Family (1712)
Crévecoeur, Letters From an American Farmer (1782)
Declaration of the Injured Frontier Inhabitants [of Pennsylvania]
English Bill of Rights, 1689
Franklin, "Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind"
Jonathan Edwards, "Some Thoughts" (1742)
"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Jonathan Edwards
The Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges (October 28, 1701)


Colonel George Washington 1772 by C. W. Peale

First Political Cartoon in an American Newspaper, by Ben Franklin

Jonathan Edwards

Richard Allen - Portrait


Roundtable: The Great Awakening

Roundtable: The Struggle for Dominance

Lecture Launcher: The Enlightenment in America

Lecture Launcher: The Struggle for Dominance



The Connecticut Peddler


Interactive Map: Native American Population Loss, 1500—1700

Interactive Map: European Claims in America, c. 1750

Interactive Map - The Seven Years’ War

Atlas Map: European Claims in America, c. 1750

Atlas Map: Native American Population Loss, 1500-1700

Atlas Map: Settlement in North America, c. 1763

Atlas Map: The Seven Years War


Chapter 5


"Common Sense" by Thomas Paine
Adams Family Letter (March, April, May 1776)
Address of the Inhabitants of Anson County to Governor Martin
Benjamin Franklin, Testimony Against the Stamp Act (1766)
Boston Gazette Description of the Boston Massacre (1770)
Crevecoeur, Sketches of Eighteenth Century America
The Declaration of Independence (1776)
Hewes, "A Retrospect on the Boston Tea Party" (1834)
Jefferson, "Rough Draft" of the Declaration of Independence
John Adams to Abigail Adams (July 3, 1776)
John Adams, Thoughts on Government (1776)
John Andrews to William Barrell, Boston Tea Party (1773)
John Dickinson, from Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania  
Joseph Warren, "Account of the Battle of Lexington" (1775)
Legal inventory of Benjamin Curtis’s Household (1773)
Letter from a Revolutionary War Soldier
The New Jersey Constitution of 1776
Oliver Revolution: Tory View 1781
Otis, The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved
PA Constitution 1776
Patrick Henry, "Give Me Liberty of Give Me Death" (1775)
Paul Revere Family
Petition of "A Grate Number of Blackes" (1774)
Proclamation of Gov. Thomas Gage (June 12, 1775)
Royal Proclamation of Rebellion (1775)
Slave Petition to the General Assembly in Connecticut
Slave Petition to the Massachusetts House of Representatives
The Virginia Nonimportation Resolutions (1769)


1765 Stamp Act Protest

1774 Illustration - List of Crimes by Massachusetts Governor

Bostonians Paying the Excise-Man - Cartoon

Bronze of Paul Revere in Boston

Common Sense - Title Page

Daughter of Liberty - 1774 Woodcut

George Washington at Valley Forge

Handbill "On the Death of Five Young Men"

Hanging of Major John Andre

Independence Hall

New York Burning - 1776

Paul Revere Etching of Boston Massacre

Portrait of Benjamin Franklin, ca. 1794-1802

Stamp Act Stamps

Surrender at Yorktown

The Signing of the Declaration of Indpendence, Copy of John Trumball Painting, 1817-1818

The Tory's Day of Judgment - Engraving

Women Signing an Anti-Tea Agreement


Roundtable: Declaration of Independence 

Roundtable: The American Revolution

Lecture Launcher: American Revolution


The Liberty Song


Interactive Map: Territorial Claims in Eastern America after Treaty of Paris

Atlas Map: Revolutionary War: Northern Theater, 1775-1780

Atlas Map: Revolutionary War: Southern Theater, 1776-1781

Atlas Map: Territorial Claims in Eastern America after Treaty of Paris

Interactive Map - Colonial Products

Interactive Map: Revolutionary War: Northern Theater, 1775-1780

Interactive Map - The American Revolution

Chapter 6


The Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 reported by James Madison: June 15
Benjamin Banneker, Letter to Thomas Jefferson (1791)
Federalist Number 51 (February 6, 1788)
George Washington to Robert Morris, April 12, 1786
George Washington, The Newburgh Address (1783)
James Madison Defends the Constitution (1788)
James Madison Speech in Defense of the Bill of Rights
James Madison, The Virginia (or Randolph) Plan (1787)
Letter describing the celebration at Rutland, Vermont (1791)
Massachusetts Constitution (March 2, 1780)
Marquis de Chastellux, Travels in North America (1786)
Military Reports on Shays's Rebellion (1787)
Molly Wallace, Valedictory Address (1792)
Northwest Ordinance (July 13, 1787)
Patrick Henry Against Ratification of the Constitution (1788)
Proclamation of Lord Dunmore (November 14, 1775)
Publius (James Madison), Federalist Paper #10 (1788)
The Articles of Confederation (1777)
The Bill of Rights (1789)
The New Jersey Plan (1787)
The United States Constitution (1789)
Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia (1787)
Virginia Constitution, not including the Bill of Rights (1776)
The Virginia Declaration of Rights (June 12, 1776)
Wilson Law Lecture to Women 1791


Columbia as Indian Maiden

Copybook Decorated with Political Themes

County Convention - Woodcut

He That Ne'er Learns His A, B, C, 1779

Patriots and Slaves Toppling Statue of George III

Richard Allen - Portrait

Slave Revolt, Saint-Domingue, 1791

Thomas Jefferson - Informal Drawing


Roundtable: Articles of Confederation

Lecture Launcher: Creating a Stronger Union


Atlas Map: Western Land Claims Ceded by the States, 1782 - 1803

Interactive Map - Western Land Claims Ceded by the States

Chapter 7


Report on Manufactures
The Jay Treaty
Alexander Hamilton, "Bank" (1791)
George Washington’s Will
George Washington, Farewell Address (1796)
Maclay 1790
Proclamation of Neutrality (1793)
The Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)
The Treaty of Grenville (1794)
The Treaty of San Lorenzo (or Pinckney's Treaty) (1796)
The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (1798, 1799)  
Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address (1801)
Washington, Proclamation Regarding the Whiskey Rebellion
Whiskey Rebellion Address, George Washington's 6th Annual Address to Congress (1794)


A View of the Capitol in 1800 by William Russel Birch

Abigail Adams Supervising a Servant in the White House

Alexander Hamilton - Portrait

George Washington's Arrival in New York City, 1789

John Adams - Portrait

Lyon-Griswold Dispute, Congress, 1798

Martha Washington

Mount Vernon

President-Elect Washington's Reception in Trenton

Statue of George Washington

The Pastoral Setting of Washington, D.C.

Washington Taking the Oath of Office

Washington's First Cabinet

Whiskey Rebellion Tax Protest - 1794

Women Petition for War Compensation


Roundtable: The Hamiltonian System 

Lecture Launcher: Creating a Stronger Union

Chapter 8


"The Star-Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key
Special Message on the Burr Conspiracy
Ames Republican (re: LA Purchase) 1804
Charles W. Janson, The Stranger in America (1807)
Dolley Payne Madison to Lucy Payne Todd (August 23, 1814)
Jefferson’s Confidential Message to Congress (1803)
LA Purchase 1803
Lewis and Clark Meet the Shoshone (17 August 1805)
Margaret Mayard Smith, Reflections Upon Meeting Jefferson
"Memoirs of a Monticello Slave" (1847)
Opinion of the Supreme Court for Marbury v. Madison (1803)
Pennsylvania Gazette, "Indian hostilities" (1812)
The Treaty of Ghent (1814)
Thomas Jefferson to Meriwether Lewis (1803)


A Patent Drawing of Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin

A Scene on the Frontiers as Practiced by the Humane British and their Worthy Allies, 1812

British Impressment, 1812

Burning of the White House in 1814

Dolley Madison - Portrait

James Madison - Portrait

Meriwether Lewis - Portrait


New Capitol - Congress' First Meeting - 1800

Statue of Jefferson

William Clark - Portrait


Roundtable: Louisiana Purchase

Lecture Launcher: Revolution of 1800


Jefferson and Liberty

Star Spangled Banner


Interactive Map: The Louisiana Purchase

Interactive Map: The War of 1812

Atlas Map: Louisiana Purchase and Exploration of the Trans-Mississippi West

Atlas Map: The War of 1812

Chapter 9


Dartmouth College v. Woodward
"A Second Peep at Factory Life,” Lowell Offering
A Week in the Mill” (Lowell Offering, Vol. V (1845): 217-218
Black Hawk, from "The Life of Black Hawk" (1833)
Connecticut War of 1812 1814
Henry Clay, "Defense of the American System" (1832)
Hodgdon Family Letters Regarding Life in the Mills (1840) 
James Madison, First Inaugural Address (1809)
John Quincy Adams, Inaugural Address (1825)
Missouri Enabling Act (6 March 1820)
Monroe Doctrine (1823)
Opinion of the Supreme Court for Martin v. Hunter's Lessee  
Opinion of the Supreme Court for McCulloch v. Maryland
The Harbinger, "Female Workers at Lowell" (1836)
"The Western Country," Letters in Nile's Weekly Register
Treaty with the Sioux and Other Tribes (1825)


American Stage Wagon

Anti-Railroad Poster in Philadelphia, 1839

Clermont on the Hudson - Painting

Mill in West Virginia

Pembroke Iron Works

Seminoles Attacking Federal Fort

Ships and Port at Mystic, CT

Tenskawatawa, the Prophet

"The Life of A Fireman"

Upstate New York Sawmill

View of the Great Treaty Held at Prairie du Chien (1825) - Painting


Lecture Launcher: Building a National Economy


The Erie Canal


Interactive Map: Missouri Compromise of 1820-1821

Interactive Map: Native American Land Cessions to 1829

Atlas Map: Missouri Compromise of 1820-1821

Atlas Map: National Expansion and the Movement West to 1830

Atlas Map: Native American Land Cessions to 1829

Interactive Map - Expanding America and Internal Improvements

Chapter 10



Proclamation Regarding Nullification
"Old Ironsides" by Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr
Andrew Jackson, Farewell Address (1837)
Andrew Jackson, First Annual Message to Congress (1829)
Andrew Jackson, Second Annual Message to Congress (1830)
Andrew Jackson, Veto of the Bank Bill (1832)  
Ballad of General Jackson and the Six Militia Men (1827)
Biddle Commencement 1835
Davy Crockett, Advice to Politicians (1833)
Female Industrial Assn 1825
Memorial of the Cherokee Nation (1830)
Michel Chevalier, Society, Manners, and Politics in the U.S.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Concord Hymn (1837)
Resolutions of the Boston Master Carpenters (1845)
South Carolina's Ordinance of Nullification (1832)
The Force Bill (1833)
United States Treaty with the Potawatami (1832)
Western Country Ohio 1816


1824 Election Cartoon

1840 Campaign Ad, Louisiana

Andrew Jackson Taking the Oath of Office in 1829

Andrew Jackson's Inauguration - Lithograph

Cherokee Trail of Tears - Painting

"General Harrison's Log Cabin March" - Sheet Music

Office Hunters for the Year 1834 - Cartoon


Roundtable: Jackson and the Bank War

Lecture Launcher: Whigs


Van Buren


Interactive Map: Native American Land Cessions, 1840

Atlas Map: Native American Land Cessions, 1829-1850

Interactive Map: Native American Removal

Chapter 11


An Account of the Late Intended Insurrection Among a Portion of the Blacks of this City
A Catechism for Slaves (1854)
Benjamin Drew, from Narratives of Fugitive Slaves in Canada
De Bow's Review, "The Stability of the Union" (1850)
Frances E.W. Harper, “The Slave Auction” (1854)
Frances E.W. Harper, “The Slave Mother” (1854)
George Fitzhugh, The Blessings of Slavery (1857)
Levi Coffin, Reminiscences of the Underground Railroad
Nat Turner, The Confession of Nat Turner (1831)
Overseer’s report from Chicora Wood Plantation (1858)
Passages The Autobiography of Frederick Douglass (1883)
Runaway Slave Advertisements (1838-1839)
Slave Narrative, "The History of Mary Prince, A West Indian Slave," Related by Herself, London, (1831)
State [North Carolina] v. Boon (1801)


A Patent Drawing of Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin

Abraham Lincoln and Sojourner Truth

Benjamin Banneker - Portrait

Bill of Sale for Slaves, 1835

Cotton Gin on a Plantation in Louisiana

Death of the Amistad Captain, 1839

Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin

Free Black Church

Harriet Tubman

Nat Turner Rebellion, 1831

Plantation and Southern Commerce

Raffling Off a Slave

Richard Allen - Portrait

Row Houses in Charleston, SC

Slave Dealers

Slave Dockworkers, 1860 - Brady Photo

Slave Quarter, Hermitage Plantation, Savannah, Georgia

Slave Sale Notice

Tredegar Ironworks, Richmond - Slave Labor


Roundtable: Slavery 

Lecture Launcher: Slavery in the South


Pharaoh's Host Got Lost

The Liberator


Interactive Map - Utopian Communities before the Civil War 

Interactive Map - Slavery in the South

Chapter 12


"Walden" by Henry David Thoreau
Catharine E. Beecher, from A Treatise on Domestic Economy
Catholic School protest 1840
Charles Finney, Lecture to Converts
Charles G. Finney, "What a Revival of Religion Is" (1835)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Declaration of Sentiments (1848)
Henry Clay Work, "Come Home Father!" (1864)
Horace Mann, Report of the Massachusetts Board of Ed
Ja Norcom, Letter to His Daughter Mary Matilda Norcom
John H. Noyes on Free Love at Oneida (1865)
Joshua and Sally Wilson Letters to George Wilson (1823)
Journal Entry of Francis Parkman (1846)
Lyman Beecher, "Six Sermons on Intemperance" (1828)
Marcus Whitman to Rev. David Greene (1844)
Mariah and Stephen King to their family (April 1, 1846)
Mathew Carey, Rules for Husbands and Wives (1830)
Mother's Magazine 1834
Nathaniel Hawthorne, Letter to His Wife from Brook Farm
National Convention of Colored People, "Report on Abolition"
Noyes Marriage 1845, 1849
O. A. Brownson, "Brook Farm," (1842)
Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Self-Reliance" (1841)
Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Superstitions of our Age
Richard McNemar, The Kentucky Revival (1808)
Sojourner Truth, Address to Woman's Rights Convention
Visit to the Shakers, Lowell Offering (1841)
William Lloyd Garrison, First issue of The Liberator (1831)


Carl Nebel, "General Scott's Triumph," 1851

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Illustrations From the American Anti-Slavery Almanac for 1840

Marriage Certificate, 1848

Methodist Camp Meeting, 1819

Philadelphia Almshouse, House of Employment, and Prison


Robert Owen's Harmony Community

Sacramental Scene in a Western Forest - Lithograph

Shaker Dance

Shaker Village at Alfred, Maine, 1845

The Drunkard's Progress - Cartoon,1846

Thomas Gallaudet - Portrait

Woman’s Sphere


Roundtable: Religious Revivalism and Reform


When the Roll is Called Up Yonder


Interactive Map - Utopian Communities before the Civil War

Chapter 13


James K. Polk’ First Inaugural Address
"Moby Dick" by Herman Melville
Chief Seattle, Oration (1854)
Edward Gould Burrum, from Six Months in the Gold Mines
Elizabeth Dixon Smith Geer, Oregon Trail Journal (1847, 1848)
Erie Canal 1819 (Extract from the Albany Daily Advertiser)
Frederick Law Olmsted, from A Journey in the Seabord States
Horace Greeley, from An Overland Journey (1860)
JF Cooper Notions of America 1828
John O'Sullivan, "Annexation" (1845)
John O'Sullivan, "The Great Nation of Futurity" (1845)
Lydia Allen Rudd, Diary of Westward Journey (1852)
Preamble of the Mechanics Union of Trade Associations (1827)
Richard Henry Dana, Jr., Assesses California in Two Years before the Mast (1840)
Samuel F. B. Morse, Foreign Immigration (1835)
Senate Report on the Railroads (1852)
Technology and the Shoe Industry in Fincher's Trade Review (1864)
Thomas Corwin, "Against the Mexican War" (1847)
To the Honourable Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress, the Representation of the [Canal] Commissioners of the State of New-York” (1817)
Walt Whitman, Preface to Leaves of Grass (1855)
William Barret Travis, Letter from the Alamo (1836)


A Forty-Niner's Covered Wagon

American Progress, 1872

Austin, Texas 1840

Boston Slums - Illustration

Calico Factory, 1854

General Winfield Scott in Mexico City

Houston, Texas 1845

Mormon Emigrants, 1879

Oregon Trail Marker

The Alamo

The Storming of Chapultepec


Roundtable: Moving West and the Mexican-American War

Roundtable: The Advance of Industrialization

Lecture Launcher: Mexican American War


Interactive Map: Slave Population Patterns, 1790 and 1860 

Interactive Map: Mexican-American War, 1846-1848

Atlas Map: Growth of Transportation System, 1840-1860

Atlas Map: Mexican-American War, 1846-1848

Atlas Map: Settlement in the US, c. 1850

Atlas Map: Slave Population Patterns, 1790 and 1860

Atlas Map: Texas Revolution, 1836

Atlas Map: US Territorial Expansion, 1783-1898

Atlas Map: Western Migration, 1850-1880

Interactive Map: Slavery in the South

Interactive Map: United States Territorial Expansion in the 1850s


Chapter 14


The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858
Abraham Lincoln, "A House Divided" (1858)
Abraham Lincoln, Charleston Debate (1858)
Abraham Lincoln, Debate at Galesburg, Illinois (1858)
Daniel Webster: Speech to the U.S. Senate (March 7, 1850)
Frederick Douglass, Independence Day Speech (1852)
George Fitzhugh, Slavery Justified (1854)
George Frederick Holmes, Critique of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (1852)
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852)
Henry Clay, Speech to the U.S. Senate (January 29, 1850)
John Brown's Address before Sentencing (November 2, 1859)
John C. Calhoun, Proposal to Preserve the Union (1850)
Opinion of the Supreme Court for Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)
South Carolina Declaration of the Causes of Secession (December 24, 1860)
Stephen A. Douglas, Debate at Galesburg, Illinois (1858)
The Fugitive Slave Act (1850)
The Land Acts (1862, 1873, 1894)
The Treaty of Fort Laramie (1851)
William Lloyd Garrison on John Brown's Raid (1859)


1860 Election - Cartoon

1860 Presidential Election Banner (Republican)

A Young Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, February 27, 1860

Dred Scott

Franklin Pierce - Portrait

Frederick Douglass

Henry Clay - Daguerreotype

Hypocrisy of Fugitive Slave Act - Cartoon, 1851

John Brown, ca. 1850

Martin Van Buren and Abolitionism - Cartoon

Poster Warning Escaped Slaves

President Abraham Lincoln

Stephen Douglas

Stephen Douglas

Storming of the Engine House by the U.S. Marines, 1859

The United States Senate, 1850 - Painting

Uncle Tom's Cabin Theater Poster, ca. 1850

Verdict of the People - Painting, after 1855

Young Frederick Douglass


Roundtable: The Fitful Fifties

Lecture Launcher: Turbulent 50's


Atlas Map: The Compromise of 1850 and Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

Interactive Map - The Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act

Chapter 15


"Lee at Fredericksburg" (1886) by J. Horace Lacy
Abraham Lincoln to Horace Greeley (August 22, 1862)
Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address (1861)
Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address (1865)
Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address (1863)
Charles Harvey Brewster, Three Letters from the Front (1862)
Clara Barton, Memoirs about Medical Life at the Battlefield (1862)
Confederate Constitution ( 1861)
George McClellan to Abraham Lincoln (July 7, 1862)
James Henry Gooding, Letter to President Lincoln (1863)
Jefferson Davis, Address to the Provisional Congress (1861)
John Dooley, Passages from His Journal (1863)
Letter by Overseer W. Sweet to Adele Petigru Allston (1864)
Letter from a Free Black Volunteer to the Christian Recorder
Letter from Elizabeth Underwood to Thomas C. Cox ( November 3, 1863)
Letter from H. Ford Douglas to Frederick Douglass’s Monthly (1863)
Letter from J. R. Underwood to Wm. H. Seward (October 24, 1863)
Mary Boykin Chesnut, A Confederate Lady's Diary (1861)
Susie King Taylor, Reminiscences of an Army Laundress
The Emancipation Proclamation (1863)
U.S. Sanitary Commission, Sketch of Its Purposes (1864)
William T. Sherman, The March Through Georgia (1875)


Amputation Being Performed, 1863. Gardner Alexander.

An Elder Frederick Douglass

Antietam Bridge, 1862. Gardner Alexander.

Appomattox Court House, 1865

Battle of Antietam

Burial Party at Cold Harbor, 1865

Confederate Captives, Gettysburg - Matthew Brady

Confederate Dead Behind Stone Wall, 1862--Mathew Brady.

Confederate Flag Flies over Fort Sumter

Dead Confederate Soldier - Photo

Destruction of the Confederacy

Dying Horse, Antietam

Effect of a 32-Pound Shell, 1862--Mathew Brady

Emancipation, 1865

Field Hospital, Virginia, 1862

Former Slaves At Cumberland Landing

Fort Sumter - Lithograph

Fort Sumter under Seige

General Ulysses S. Grant at City Point, Virginia, in August 1864.

Gettysburg, July, 1863

Jefferson Davis - Closeup Photo

Largest Siege Guns at Petersburg

Lincoln and His Cabinet

Lincoln Assasination Reward Poster, 1865--U.S. War Dept.

Lincoln Visiting General McClellan, Group Picture

Lincoln Visiting with General McClellan Privately at Antietam

Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg

President Lincoln, Allan Pinkerton, and Major General John A. McClernand at Antietam, 1862

Prisoner from Belle Isle Prison, Richmond

Railroad Construction in Virginia, ca.1863

Railroad Destruction, Appomattox Station

Rebel Dead at Antietam

Richmond in Ruins - April 1865

Robert E. Lee - 1863

Robert E. Lee on Horseback

Ruins in Charleston, South Carolina, 1865--Mathew Brady.

Ruins of Atlanta, 1864

Ruins of Petersburg Railroad Bridge, 1865--Mathew Brady

Southerners Fleeing Their Home

Storming of Fort Wagner - Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts

The Home of the Rebel Sharpshooter, 1863. Matthew Brady.

Ulysses S. Grant

Union Artillery at Yorktown

Union Prisoners at Salisbury, North Carolina, 1863

William T. Sherman

Women Working at U.S. Arsenal

Workers in D.C. during the Civil War

Young Union Soldier


Roundtable: The Union Severed 


Battle Hymn of the Republic

Military Brass Bands

When This Cruel War Is Over


Interactive Map - The Civil War, 1861-1862

Interactive Map - The Civil War, 1863-1865

Atlas Map: Secession

Atlas Map: The Civil War, 1861-1862

Atlas Map: The Civil War, 1863-1865

Chapter 16


Trial of Susan B. Anthony, on the Charge of Illegal Voting, at the Presidential Election in Nov., 1872
Samuel Tilden's Speech to the Manhattan Club Conceding the Election of 1876
A Sharecrop Contract (1882)
Accounts from Victims of the Ku Klux Klan (1935)
"Address of the Colored Citizens of Norfolk, Virginia" (1865)
Affidavit of Former Slave Enoch Braston (1866)
Albion W. Tourgee, Letter on Ku Klux Klan Activites (1870)
Brawley Gilmore tells about Doc McCollum during Reconstruction (Late 1860s)
Carl Schurz, Report on the Condition of the South (1865)
Clinton B. Fisk, "Plain Counsels for Freedmen" (1865)
Confederate Song, "I'm a Good Old Rebel," by R. B. Buckley , (1866)
Hannah Irwin Describes Ku Klux Klan Ride (Late 1860s)
James C. Beecher, Report on Land Reform (1865, 1866)
James T. Rapier, Testimony before U.S. Senate Regarding the Agricultural Labor Force in the South (1880)
Jourdon Anderson to His Former Master (1865)
Legal Form for the Restoration of Confiscated Property Held by the Freedmen's Bureau (1865)
Slave narrative of Annie L. Burton, “Memories of Childhood’s Slavery Days”
Slave Narrative, "The Story of Mattie J.Jackson: A True Story" Lawrene, Massachusetts (1866)
Southern Skepticism of the Freedmen's Bureau (1866)
The Mississippi Black Code (1865)
The Nation, "The Stateof the South" (1872)
Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments


1868 Democratic National Convention in New York City

Abraham Lincoln - Portrait, April, 10, 1865

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson - Brady Photo

Attempted KKK Lynching

Black Senator and Congressmen, 1872

Five Generations of a Slave Family - Photo

Free Black Dockworkers

Freedmen at Rest on a Levee

Freedmen's School

"From the Plantation to the Senate"

Greeley and Sumner - Nast Cartoon

Impeachment Trial of Andrew Johnson

Ku Klux Klan Members

Ku Klux Klan Warning

Massacre at New Orleans

Robert Smalls

Rutherford B. Hayes

Stone Mountain Carving

Thaddeus Stevens - Brady Photo

"The Shackle Broken by the Genius of Freedom"

Thomas Nast, "Political Symbols," 1874

White Landowners Weighing Sharecroppers' Cotton

Worse than Slavery - Nast Cartoon


Roundtable: Legacies of Reconstruction

Charleston Chain Gang

Lecture Launcher: The Legacies of Reconstruction


Free At Last


Interactive Map - Reconstruction

Atlas Map: Reconstruction

Atlas Map: The Rise of Tenancy in the South, 1880

Chapter 17


Homestead Act of 1862
Accounts of the Wounded Knee Massacre
Act of Congress, the General Allotment Act [Dawes Act]
Chief Red Cloud's Speech
Congressional Report on the Sand Creek Massacre (1867)
Frederick Jackson Turner, “The Significance of the Frontier in American History,” (1893)
John Lester, "Hydraulic Mining" (1873)
Joseph G. McCoy, Historic Sketches of the Cattle Trade of the West and Southwest (1874)
Perspectives on the American Cowboy (1884, 1886)
Secretary of Interior's Congressional Report on Indian Affairs (1887)


Atlantic and Pacific Railroad - Map

Bison Grazing

Buffalo Soldiers

Chiricahua Apache Prisoners, Including Geronimo (first row, third from right) in Arizona, 1886


Geronimo and Natiche Surrender, 1886

Iroquois Indians, Early 20th Century - Panoramic Photo

Laundry Class at Carlisle Indian School, ca. 1901

Oglala Sioux Pictogram of the Battle of Little Bighorn

Red Cloud (Maqpeya-luta), Chief of the Oglala Sioux

Sioux Encampment, Early 1890s

Stuffed Buffalo

The Albuquerque Indian School in 1885

The Purposes of the Grange


Roundtable: Westward Expansion and the Native Americans 

Cowboys and Cattle

Lecture Launcher: Rural America

Sioux Ghost Dance


Omaha Funeral Song

Ritual of the Maize


Atlas Map: Native Americans, 1850-1896

Atlas Map: The New Economy of the West, 1850-1893

Interactive Map - Resources and Conflict in the West

Chapter 18


Credit Mobilier/Union Pacific Railroad Scandal — Testimony of C.P. Huntington (1873)
Andrew Carnegie, "Wealth," North American Review (1889)
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)
Chinese Six Companies 1876
George Engel, Address by a Condemned Haymarket Anarchist (1886)
George Waring, "Sanitary Conditions in New York" (1897)
Mark Twain, from The Gilded Age (1873)
Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor, from The Working Girls of Boston (1884)
Mother Jones, "The March of the Mill Children" (1903)
Thomas Edison, The Success of the Electric Light (October 1880)


Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge

Chicago Steelworks

Child Glass Factory Worker, 1911

Edison in His Lab, 1888

Edison with Phonograph, 1878--Mathew Brady.

Genuine Connellsville Coke. National Bureau of Engraving.

Handbill, Haymarket Square Bombing

Home Washing Machine and Wringer, 1869

Homestead Strikers Surrendering - Engraving

J. P. Morgan

John D. Rockefeller - Cartoon, 1901

Lady Shoemakers' Strike, 1860

"Modern Colossus of (Rail) Roads," 1879

Molly Maguires

Telegraph Lines, 1864

Terence Powderly at Knights of Labor Convention

The Department Store: Another View, 1898

The Protectors of Our Industry, 1883

Women Delegates, National Meeting of Knights of Labor, 1886


Roundtable: The Industrial Revolution

Lecture Launcher: Industrial Revolution


Interactive Map - Organizing American Labor in the Late Nineteenth Century

Chapter 19


Herbert Spencer, Social Darwinism (1857)
Advice on Keeping Children on the Farm (1881)
Autobiographical Narrative by Zitkala-Sa on Her First Days at Boarding School in Indiana (1900)
Booker T. Washington, Atlanta Exposition Address (1895)
Charles Loring Brace, The Dangerous Classes of New York
Edward Bellamy, from Looking Backward (1888)
Helen Hunt Jackson, from A Century of Dishonor (1881)
Josiah Strong, from Our Country (1885)
Letters to the Jewish Daily Forward (1906-1907)
Lincoln Steffens, from The Shame of the Cities (1904)
N.A. Dunning, ed., Alliance's Vision of Community (1891)
Olmsted, Proposal to Buffalo, New York, Park Commission (1888)
Opinion of the Supreme Court for Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Richard K. Fox, from Coney Island Frolics (1883)
Secret Oath of the American Protective Association (1893)
Tammany Hall, Excerpt from Niles' Weekly Register (1835)
The Morrill Act (1862)
William B. Farwell, The Chinese at Home and Abroad (1885)
William Graham Sumner, from What the Social Classes Owe to Each Other (1883)


American History Students at Tuskegee Institute

Baseball - Lithograph

Booker T. Washington

Boss Tweed - Nast Cartoon

Central Park

Chemistry Lab at the Tuskegee Institute

Chemistry Students at Tuskegee Institute

Cincinnati Red Stockings Baseball Club, ca. 1869

Dumbbell Floor Plan, 1879

Families Working in Sweatshops

Future Women Voters

Gibson Girl, 1899

Jane Addams - Portrait

Medical College for Women

New York, Lower East Side

Paris, Texas, Lynching, 1893

Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896

Slum Children

Suffragist Speaking

Suffragists in Cincinnati

Tenement Families - Riis Photo

Women in the Work Place, Late Nineteenth Century

Women Working in a Factory


Roundtable: The Industrial Revolution  

A Vaudeville Act

Annie Oakley

College Football, 1903

Ellis Island Immigrants, 1903

Lecture Launcher: Gilded Age

Tourists in Yellowstone National Park


Immigrants and the Great War

Silver Threads Among the Gold


Atlas Map: Immigration, 1880-1920

Atlas Map: Milestones in Education

Atlas Map: Settlement in the United States, 1900

Interactive Map - Foreign-Born Population, 1890

Chapter 20


Song -- Everybody Works But Father (1905)
Address to 1894 Convention of American Railway Union by Jennie Curtis
Jacob S. Coxey, "Address of Protest" (1894)
Ocala Platform, 1890
Interstate Commerce Act (1887)
Mark Twain, “To the Person Sitting in Darkness” (1901)
Mary Elizabeth Lease, The Popular Crusader (1892)
Pendleton Civil Service Act (1883)
The People's Party Platform (1892)
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Session of the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry (1879)
William Jennings Bryan, "Cross of Gold" Speech (1896)
Workingman's Amalgamated Sherman Anti-Trust 1893


1892 Election - Painting

A Party of Patches, 1891

Farmer's Delight Tobacco Advertisement, 1889

Grover Cleveland

Harrison and Morton Campaign Ad

Jacob Coxey's Arrest

Keep the Ball Rolling, 1888

McKinley and Hobart Campaign Poster

The Sacrilegious Candidate, 1896

Turn-of-the-Century Political Cartoon

William Jennings Bryan

Woodhull Reading Suffrage Proposal, 1871


Roundtable: Political and Cultural Conflicts- 1890s


Interactive Map - Activities of the United States in the Caribbean, 1898–1930s

Chapter 21


Dollar Diplomacy -William Howard Taft (1912)
Letter to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan (1915)
The Teller Amendment
Albert Beveridge, "The March of the Flag" (1898)
Alfred Thayer Mahan, The Interest of America in Sea Power
Carl Schurz, Platform of the American Anti-Imperialist League
Ernest Howard Crosby, “The Real `White Man’s Burden’” (1899)
HC Lodge Annex of Hawaii 1895
Mark Twain, "Incident in the Philippines" (1924)
Platform for the American Anti-Imperialist League (October 18, 1899)
Platt Amendment (1901)
Rudyard Kipling, “The White Man’s Burden” (1899)
Senators Beveridge and Hoar On Imperialism (1900)
Theodore Roosevelt, “Our Poorer Brother” (1897)
Theodore Roosevelt, “The Strenuous Life” (1900)
William Graham Sumner, "On Empire and the Philippines" (1898)
William McKinley, "Decision on the Philippines" (1900)


A Nauseating Job, But It Must Be Done

African American Troops in the Spanish- American War

Americans Guard Filipino Prisoners, 1899

Bill of Fare, 1901

Civilization Begins at Home, 1898

Emilio Aguinaldo

Explosion on the Maine

Filipino Guerillas

His Foresight, 1901

Iolani Palace, Hawaii

Maine Explosion. 1898

Our Top-Heavy Navy - Puck Cartoon

Our Victorious Fleet in Cuban Waters — Illustration

Queen Liliuokalani, 1887 - Portrait

Suspicions of Spain - New York Journal Headline

Teddy Roosevelt - Rough Rider

The Man Behind the Egg, 1903

U.S. Soldiers in the Philippines, 1899

Uncle Sam Teaching the World - Puck Cartoon


Roundtable: An American Empire 

Lecture Launcher: Becoming a World Power

Burial of the Maine Victims

Roosevelt's Rough Riders


Atlas Map: The American Empire, c. 1900v

Atlas Map: American Involvement in Latin America, 1899-1939

Atlas Map: The Spanish-American War, 1898-1899

Interactive Map - Activities of the United States in the Caribbean, 1898—1930s

Interactive Map - World Colonial Empires, 1900

Chapter 22


T.S. Eliot, Excerpt from "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (1917)
Yick Wo v. Hopkins
Adna Weber, The Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century (1899)
Eugene V. Debs, "The Outlook for Socialism in America"
Events in Paris, Texas, from Ida B. Wells, A Red Record
Frederick Winslow Taylor, Scientific Management (1896)
Ida B. Wells-Barnett, False Accusations, from A Red Record
Inside the Packinghouse from Upton Sinclair's The Jungle
Jane Addams, from Twenty Years at Hull House (1910)
John Spargo, from The Bitter Cry of the Children (1906)
Lee Chew, "Life of a Chinese Immigrant (1903)
"Life in the Shop" by Clara Lemlich (1909)
Mary Antin, from The Promised Land (1912)
National Negro Committee Platform (1909)
Plunkitt on "Honest Graft" 1905
Samuel Gompers, The American Labor Movement (1914)
The New York Times, Review of Opening Night at Coney Island (1904)
Upton Sinclair, from The Jungle (1905)
W. E. B. DuBois, "Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others" (1903)
Walker Percy, "Birmingham Under the Commission Plan" (1911)


Asian Immigrants at Angel Island

Breaking a Strike at the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, 1914

Child Glass Factory Worker, 1911

Children Working in Coal Mine - Lewis Hine Photo

Chinese-Americans in California

Chinese-Americans in San Francisco, 1897

Coal Mine Breaker Boys, 1900

Election Day!, 1909

Ellis Island

Eye Examination at Ellis Island, ca. 1913

Future Women Voters

Health Check at Ellis Island

Hester Street, New York City

Immigrants at Ellis Island

Immigrants to America

Little Spinner in Globe Cotton Mill, 1909--Lewis W. Hine.

Logo for the Industrial Workers of the World

"Looking Backward" at Immigrant Origins - Cartoon

Margaret Sanger's Newspaper, 1914

New York City Tenements

Socialist Cartoon, 1919.

Suffragist Speaking

Suffragists in Cincinnati

The IWW Is Coming

Waiting area at Ellis Island, ca. 1915


Roundtable: Progressivism 

A 1901 Fire Department

Luna Park at Coney Island

Lecture Launcher: The Progressives

Punching the Clock

Rural Free Delivery Mail

Women in the Workplace, 1904


Rip Van Winkle Meets Meenie

Chapter 23


Keating-Owen Child Labor Act of 1916
Eighteenth Amendment - Prohibition of Intoxicating Liquor January 16, 1919)
Andrew Carnegie, Wealth and Its Uses (1907)
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "If I Were a Man" (1914)
Frederick W. Taylor, The Principles of Scientific Management
Helen M. Todd, "Getting Out the Vote" (1911)
Herbert Croly, from Progressive Democracy (1914)
Jane Addams, "Ballots Necessary for Women" (1906)
Louis Brandeis, from Other People's Money (1913)
National Woman Suffrage Association, Mother's Day Letter
Report of the Vice Commission, Louisville, Kentucky (1915)
Theodore Roosevelt, "The New Nationalism" (1910)
Theodore Roosevelt, Panama Canal Message to Congress (1903)
Woodrow Wilson, from The New Freedom (1913)


Collage Celebrating the Career of Teddy Roosevelt

Taft's Inefficiency - Puck Cartoon

"The Verdict" - Anti-Monopoly Cartoon, 1899

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt, ca. 1901

TR and his "Big Stick" - Cartoon

TR as "Jack the Giant Killer" - Puck Cartoon

William Howard Taft


Roundtable: Progressivism 

Bull Moose Campaign Speech

Charles E. Hughes 1916 Presidential Campaign Speech

College Women Playing Basketball


"The Speech That Sent Debs to Jail"


Interactive Map - Woman Suffrage before the Nineteenth Century

Chapter 24


Abrams v. United States (1919)
Adolf K.G.E. von Spiegel, U-boat 202 (1919)
Boy Scouts of America, "Support the War Effort" (1917)
Espionage Act (1917)
Eugene Kennedy, Diary Passages Describing Life at the Front
Eugene V. Debs, Crtitique of World War I (1916)
F. J. Grimke, Address to African American Soldiers
Henry Cabot Lodge's Objections to Treaty of Versailles (1919)
Joseph Buffington, "Friendly Words to the Foreign Born" (1917)
Letters from the Great Migration (1917)
Newton D. Baker, Treatment of German-Americans (1918)
President Wilson’s War Message to Congress (1917)
President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points (1918)
Statement to French Concerning Black American Troops
The Zimmerman Telegram (1917)
United States Declaration of War (1917)


African American Recruiting Poster

African American Soldiers Return Home

African American Soldiers under French Command, WWI

African American Women Workers, WWI

Anti-VD Poster, WWI

Blowing Bubbles, 1919

Building the Panama Canal

"Buy War Bonds" Poster

"Feminine Patriotism"

France Demands War Reparations - Cartoon

French Couple Welcomes Two U.S. Soldiers

"Gee!! I Wish I Were a Man" Poster

Join a Sheep Club Poster, ca. 1917—1919

Leaders of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

Life in the Trenches

Mrs. Hearst Reviews a Liberty Loan Parade

Recruiting Poster for the Marines

Salvation Army Workers, WWI

Saying Goodbye

Segregated Recreation - Black Soldiers in WWI

Sheet Music from WWI

Sinking of the Lusitania - New York Tribune

Soldiers Taking an IQ Test during WWI

Teddy Roosevelt at Panama Canal, 1906

Temporary Shelter for U.S. Wounded

"The Navy Needs You" Poster

The World's Constable - Cartoon

Trench Warfare

U.S. Troops on the Road in Esnes, France

Visual Image of the Enemy, ca. 1917-1918

Warning of Influenza Epidemic, 1918 - Poster

Women Workers during WWI

Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson Inauguration

World War I Recruiting Poster


Roundtable: America and the Great War 

Lecture Launcher: World War I


Over There


Atlas Map: World War I

Interactive Map: African American Population, 1910 and 1950

Chapter 25


Inaugural Address, Calvin Coolidge (March 1925)
1924 Immigration Law
Mitchell Palmer on the Menace of Communism (1920)
Advertisements from 1925 and 1927
Court Statements Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (1927)
"Creed of Klanswomen” (1924)
Edward Earle Purinton, "Big Ideas from Big Business" (1921)
Eleanor Rowland Wembridge, "Petting and the Campus" (1925)
Executive Orders and Senate Resolutions on Teapot Dome
Immigrant women 1930
John F. Carter, "'These Wild Young People' by One of Them"
Margaret Sanger, "Happiness in Marriage" (1926)
The Chicago Riot (1919)


A Heavy Load for Al, 1928

Automobile Assembly Line, 1925


Baseball, 1920

Charles Lindbergh and Spirit of St. Louis

Clara Bow, the "It"girl. Film Still, 1927.

Clarence Darrow at the Scopes Evolution Trial, 1925

Clive Weed, "The National Gesture," 1926

Downtown Scene with Cars, 1911

Ernest Hemingway on Safari

Family around the Oil Heater, 1921

Feminine Tippler's Ankle Flask, 1922

Football, 1920

Ford Weekly Purchase Plan, 1925

George Bellows. "The Drunk," 1923-1924

Greater Macy*s, 1926-1928

Henry Ford and His First Car, 1918

John T. Daniels, First Flight, 1903

Ku Klux Klan on Parade, 1928

Like a Moth, It Works in the Dark, 1923. Charles Dana Gibson

New York Street Scene, 1899

Presidents Harding and Coolidge

Prohibition Raid, ca. 1928

Scranton, Pennsylvania, 1911 - Streetlights at Night

The Family Car, 1911

The Living Room, 1916

Warren G. Harding


Roundtable: Roaring 20's 

Prosperity of the 1920s and the Great Depression

Lecture Launcher: The Roaring 20's

Warren G. Harding

Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Westinghouse Works

Women Suffragists Visit Roosevelt at Sagamore in 1917


Hungarian Rag

Prohibition is a Failure

Warsaw Polka


Atlas Map: Changing Lives of American Women, 1880-1930

Chapter 26


Tennessee Valley Authority Act
An attack on New Deal farm policies (1936)
Father Charles E. Coughlin, "A Third Party" (1936)
Frances Perkins and the Social Security Act (1935, 1960)
Franklin D. Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address (1933)
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Radio Address (1933)
Franklin D. Roosevelt, San Francisco Campaign Speech (1932)
Franklin D. Roosevelt's Second Inaugural Address
Franklin Roosevelt, fireside chat (September 6, 1936)
Herbert Hoover, New York Campaign Speech (1932)
Huey Long, "Share Our Wealth" (1935)
Mrs. Henry Weddington, Letter to President Roosevelt (1938)
Radio broadcast by Henry A. Wallace (May 13, 1933)
Socialist Party Platform (1932)


Abandoned Oklahoma Farmstead, 1937

African American Family on the Road

Agricultural Worker's Shack

Arkies on the Road

Bonus Expeditionary Force March on Washington

Burning Bonus Army Shacks, 1932

CCC Worker, 1938

Children with "Hoover's Poor Farm" Sign

Depression Breadlines in New York City, 1932

Depression Era Breadlines

Despair in the Texas Panhandle

Dorothea Lange Photo - "Migrant Mother"

Dr. William H. Hastie - "Black Cabinet" Member

Eleanor Roosevelt Visiting WPA Nursery

Evicted Black Sharecroppers - Arthur Rothstein Photo

Evicting the Bonus Army

Family in a Dust Storm

FDR with Leg Braces

Franklin Roosevelt, 1937

From Texas Farmer to Migratory Worker

Giving Her a Lift to Town, 1933

Index of American Design

John Baer, "We Demand a New Deal!," 1931

John Steinbeck

Mexican Workers and Their Cars

Modern Electric Range, 1934

Old Reliable!, 1938

"PWA In Action" Poster

Seattle, WA, Shantytown

Social Security Act Poster

The Caravan Theater

The Family of Peter V. Andrews, 1940

The Girl I Love is a Democrat, 1932

"World's Highest Standard of Living" Billboard

WPA Project at Tonawanda Reservation

WPA's Federal Art Project


Roundtable: New Deal 

FDR’s Inauguration

Lecture Launcher: The Great Depression

President Roosevelt Focuses on America’s Youth


FDR's First Innagual Address

Interview About Life in a Government Camp


Interactive Map: The Great Depression

Atlas Map: Electrification, 1930s

Atlas Map: The Great Depression

Interactive Map - The Tennessee Valley Authority

Chapter 27


Manhattan Project Notebook 

Executive Order 9066: Resulting in the Relocation of Japanese

A. Philip Randolph, "Why Should We March" (1942)

Albert Einstein, Letter to President Roosevelt (1939)

Charles Lindbergh, Radio Address (1941)

Franklin D. Roosevelt, "The Four Freedoms" (1941)

Sterling A. Brown, "Out of Their Mouths" (1942)


A Young Nisei and Her Family's Belongings

African American Fighter Pilots

Attack on Pearl Harbor

"Buy Victory Bonds" Poster

Dedication of Iwo Jima Memorial, 1954

Destruction at Pearl Harbor

Eisenhower and Paratroopers in World War II

Emaciated Woman at Bergen-Belsen

German Painting Idealizing Hitler

Get in the Scrap Poster, 1941—1945

Heel Hitler Poster, 1941—1945

Hitler and Mussolini in Munich, 1940

Hitler at Nuremberg Rally ca. 1928

"It's A Woman's War, Too" Poster

Japanese Americans At Santa Anita Racetrack in 1942

Japanese-American Family Awaiting Relocation - Lange Photo

Japanese-American Family in Internment Camp

"Loose Talk Can Cost Lives" Poster

Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Attack, August 1945

Navaho Indians Aiding The U.S. War Effort

Nazi Book Bonfire, 1933

Norman Rockwell's "Freedom from Want," Saturday Evening Post

Operation Overlord, Normandy, 1944

Ration Stamps - WWII

"Rosie the Riveter"

School Boy Using War Ration Book, 1943

The Big Three at Yalta

When You Ride Alone You Ride with Hitler Poster, 1941—1945

Window Sign after Relocation, 1942

Women in an Airplane Factory

"Women In War" Poster

Women Riveters in a Navy Shipyard  


Roundtable: Pearl Harbor

Atomic Bomb at Hiroshima

Jesse Owens and the 1936 Olympics

Lecture Launcher: World War II

Nazi Murder Mills WARNING: This clip is very graphic.

Rosie the Riveter

The Big Three Confer - Yalta Conference

Truman on the End of World War II  


Blues in Wartime

Obey the Ration Laws

Soldier Boy Blues, 1943

War Song  


Interactive Map: World War II, European Theater

Interactive Map: World War II, Pacific Theater

Atlas Map: World War II on the Home Front: War Industry and Relocation

Atlas Map: World War II, European Theater

Atlas Map: World War II, Pacific Theater

Interactive Map - World War II in Europe

Interactive Map - World War II in the Pacific


Chapter 28


Press Release Announcing U.S. Recognition of Israel
Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” Speech (March 5, 1946)
Declaration of Independence for Vietnam (September 2, 1945)
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Dien Bien Phu (1954)
George F. Kennan, "The Long Telegram" (1946)
George Marshall, The Marshall Plan (1947)
Joseph R. McCarthy, Wheeling, West Virginia Speech (1950)
Kenneth MacFarland, "The Unfinished Work" (1946)
McCarthy Telegram and Truman Draft Response (1950)
National Defense Education Act (1958)
National Security Council Memorandum Number 68 (1950)
Policy Statement about U.S. Objectives in Southeast Asia (June 25, 1952)
Ronald Reagan, Testimony before HUAC (1947)
The Twenty-Second Amendment (1947)
Truman Doctrine (1947)


A Case History of Communist Penetration in Guatemala, 1957

Chairman Mao Casts His Vote, 1953

Dwight D. Eisenhower

How Communism Works, 1938

President Harry S Truman, 1948

Truman, Atlee, and Stalin at the Potsdam (Berlin) Conference

U.S. Hydrogen Bomb Test over Uninhabited Pacific Island, 1952

U.S. Marines - 1950


Roundtable: The Onset of the Cold War 

Atomic Age Begins

Duck and Cover

Eisenhower's Special Message to Congress on the Middle East, 1957

Ike for President: Eisenhower Campaign Ad, 1952

Lecture Launcher: Postwar (Cold War Begins)

Lecture Launcher: The Struggle for Social Reform

President Truman and the Threat of Communism

The Korean War Armistice


Joseph P. McCarthy Speech


Atlas Map: Cold War in Europe, 1950

Atlas Map: Korean War

Interactive Map - The Korean War, 1950–1953

Chapter 29


Executive Order 10730: Desegregation of Central High School 

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954)

Cooper v. Aaron (1958)

Dwight D. Eisenhower, Farewell to the Nation (1961)

Executive Order 9981 (1948)

Ladies Home Journal, "Young Mother" (1956)

The Southern Manifesto (1956)


"Buzz" Aldrin on the Moon

Cover Illustration for "The Desi-Lucy Love Story," 1956

Dick Clark's American Bandstand, 1958

Dwight D. Eisenhower

ENIAC Computer

First Manned Space Exploration - Project Mercury

Kenneth Clark Testing Children's Choices of Dolls, 1924


Opposition to Integration

Project Mercury Astronauts  


Roundtable: Post-World War II Society

Lecture Launcher: The Struggle for Social Reform

Postwar Growth and Social Change  


Little Boxes


Atlas Map: Civil Rights Movement

Atlas Map: Postwar Migration to the Sunbelt and West Coast

Atlas Map: Settlement in the US, c. 1950

Interactive Map - Population Shifts, 1940–1950

Chapter 30


Cesar Chavez, From “He Showed Us the Way”, April 1978 
Test Ban Treaty
Charles Sherrod, SNCC Memorandum (1961)
Donald Wheeldin, "The Situation in Watts Today" (1967)
Executive Discussions on the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
Gay Liberation Front, Come Out 1970
George Ball, "A Compromise Solution in South Vietnam"
John F. Kennedy, Address to the People of Berlin (1963)
John F. Kennedy, Cuban Missile Crisis Address (1962)
John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address (1961)
John F. Kennedy, Space Program Speech (1961)
John Lewis, Address at the March on Washington (1963)
Johnson's Defense of the U.S. Presence in Vietnam (1965)
LBJ Howard Affirmative Action 1965
LBJ Immigration Act 1965
Lyndon Johnson, "The War on Poverty" (1964)
Lyndon Johnson, Address to the Nation (March 31, 1968)
Lyndon Johnson, The Tonkin Gulf Resolution Message (1964)
Lyndon Johnson's Remarks Upon Signing the Civil Rights Act
National Organization of Women, Statement of Purpose (1966)
Reports from the Commission on the Watts Riots
Shirley Chisholm, Equal Rights for Women (May 21, 1969)
Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton, from Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America (1967)"
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Statement of Purpose (1960)
Students for a Democratic Society, The Port Huron Statement
Testimony by Members of the First Marine Division
Testimony by members of the Twenty-fifth Infantry Division
Testimony by W. Crandell at the Winter Soldier Investigation
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Report of the President's Commission on Campus Unrest
Voting Literacy Test (1965)


A 1960s March for Civil Rights

Civil Rights March on Washington, 1963

John F. Kennedy

Lyndon Johnson

President Lyndon B. Johnson in Vietnam, 1966

Protestors and Military Police, 1967

Two Observers of a 1960s Riot


Roundtable: The 1960s

Civil Rights March on Washington

John F. Kennedy Presidential Campaign Ad: It’s Up To You!

Kennedy-Nixon Debate

LBJ Signing the Civil Rights Bill

Lecture Launcher: Liberalism

Lyndon Johnson Presidential Campaign Ad: Little Girl vs. Mushroom Cloud

Malcolm X

President John F. Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis

President Johnson Responds to the Death of JFK

Protests Against the Vietnam War

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Speech at the March on Washington, August, 1963

Richard Nixon Presidential Campaign Ad: A Wavering Hubert Humphrey

The Cuban Missile Crisis

The Vietnam War


"Going Out"


Interactive Map - Vietnam War

Atlas Map: African American Migration, 1915-1970

Atlas Map: Immigration to the United States, 1945-1990

Atlas Map: Vietnam War

Interactive Map - Impact of the Voting Rights Act of 1965

Chapter 31


Letter from President Nixon to President Nguyen Van Thieu (January 5, 1973)
Richard Nixon, "Peace With Honor" (January 27, 1973)
Ronald Reagan, "Speech on the Challenger Disaster" (January 28, 1986)
Boston Busing 1975
Bowers v. Hardwick (1986)
House Judiciary Committee's Assessment of Nixon's Activities
House Judiciary Committee's Conclusion on Impeachment
Jimmy Carter, The "Crisis of Confidence" Speech (1979)
Patricia Morrisroe, "Yuppies - The New Class" (1985).
Paul Craig Roberts, The Supply-Side Revolution (1984)
Roe v. Wade (January 22, 1973)
Ronald Reagan, First Inaugural Address (1981)
Ronald Reagan, Iran Contra Address (March 4, 1987)
Ronald Reagan, Speech at the Brandenburg Gate (1987)
Ronald Reagan, Speech to the House of Commons (1982)
Ronald Reagan, Support for the Contras (1984)
Ronald Reagan, The Air Traffic Controllers Strike
Ronald Reagan, "Evil Empire" Speech (1983)
T. Boone Pickens, "My Case for Reagan" (1984)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force Memorandum


Gerald Ford

Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter signs the House of Representative Resolution for the Equal Rights Amendment, 1972

Kent State Demonstrations

Nixon Releases Transcripts of Oval Office Tapes

Nuclear Cooling Towers

Richard Nixon

Sign at a Gay Pride March

Three Mile Island, 1979

Reagan in Front of Berlin Wall, 1987

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan in a Cowboy Hat, 1976


Roundtable: The 1970s

Gerald Ford Presidential Campaign Ad: Feeling Good About America

Jimmy Carter and the “Crisis of Confidence”

Jimmy Carter Presidential Campaign Ad: Burning the Midnight Oil

Lecture Launcher: Watergate

Oliver North Hearing

Richard Nixon, “I am not a crook”

Ronald Reagan at the Berlin Wall

Ronald Reagan on the Wisdom of Tax Cuts

Ronald Reagan Presidential Campaign Ad: A Bear in the Woods

The Swing Right (The Conservative Resurgence)


Atlas Map: Conflict in Central America, 1970-1998

Atlas Map: Conflict in the Middle East, 1945-1997

Interactive Map: The Middle East in the 1980s and 1990s

Interactive Map: America’s Move to the Sunbelt, 1970—1981

Chapter 32


George W. Bush, From “National Security Strategy of the United States of America” (September 2002) 
George H.W. Bush, Inaugural Address (January 1989)
United States of America v. Timothy James McVeigh — Sentencing (August 14, 1997)
Articles of Impeachment Against William Jefferson Clinton
Bill Clinton, "A Time of Healing" Prayer Service (1995)
Bill Clinton, Answers to the Articles of Impeachment
Clinton Health Care Reform Proposals (1993)
George Bush, Allied Military Action in the Persian Gulf (1991)
George H. W. Bush, Gulf War Address (1990)
George W. Bush, Address to Congress (September 20, 2001)
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act
President Clinton's First Inaugural Address (1993)
The Balkan Proximity Peace Talks Agreement (1995)


Windmill Generators in California

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton and Al Gore on the South Lawn of the White House, 1993

First Ladies in 1994

George H. W. Bush

George H. W. Bush and Gulf War Figures, 1992.


The Berlin Wall

Bill Clinton First Inauguration

Bill Clinton Sells Himself to America: Presidential Campaign Ad, 1992

George Bush Presidential Campaign Ad: The Revolving Door

President Bush on the Gulf War

President George Bush’s Early Response in the Persian Gulf War


Atlas Map: Population Density of the United States, 1998

Atlas Map: Present-day Africa and the Middle East

Atlas Map: Present-day Asia and Oceania

Atlas Map: Present-day Europe

Atlas Map: Present-day Latin America

Atlas Map: Present-day United States

Atlas Map: Present-day World

Atlas Map: Settlement of the United States, c. 1998

Erscheint lt. Verlag 24.7.2007
Sprache englisch
Gewicht 1 g
Themenwelt Geisteswissenschaften Geschichte Allgemeine Geschichte
ISBN-10 0-13-600484-9 / 0136004849
ISBN-13 978-0-13-600484-4 / 9780136004844
Zustand Neuware
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