Image Processing & Communications Challenges 2 (eBook)

Ryszard S. Choras (Herausgeber)

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2010 | 2010
XII, 486 Seiten
Springer Berlin (Verlag)
978-3-642-16295-4 (ISBN)

Lese- und Medienproben

Image Processing & Communications Challenges 2 -
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Image Processing and Communications represents an exciting and dynamic part of the information area. This book consists of 52 scientific and technical papers from 14 Nations, after a careful selection performed by many international reviewers. The papers are conveniently grouped into 6 chapters: - Computer Vision and Image Processing - Biometric - Recognition and Classification - Biomedical Image Processing - Applications - Communications. Each chapter focuses on a specific topic, presents results, and points out challenges and future directions.

Title Page 1
Foreword 5
Contents 6
Part I: Computer Vision and Image Processing 12
Earliest Computer Vision Systems in Poland 13
Introduction 13
The Problem of Computer Image Input 14
Previous Research Related to Computer Vision 17
Multiprocessor Systems. CESARO2 19
And Then There Was an Avalanche ... 20
References 21
VICAL: Visual Cognitive Architecture for Concepts Learning to Understanding Semantic Image Content 24
Introduction 24
Visual Cognitive Framework VICAL 25
Eye Processor 25
Cognitive Processor 26
Structural Abstraction of VICAL 29
Operational Agent 30
Evolutionary Associator Agent 33
Experimental Results 36
Conclusion 37
References 38
Implementation of Computer Vision Algorithms in DirectShow Technology 40
Introduction 40
Filter Programming 42
Filter Pattern Design 44
DS Based Application for Scene Depth Estimation 45
Conclusions 47
References 47
Implementation of Hurwitz-Radon Matrices in Shape Representation 48
Introduction 48
Contour Points Based Shape Representation 49
Shape Reconstruction via MHR Method 50
The Operator of Hurwitz-Radon 51
MHR Method (Basic Version) 53
MHR Method with Parameter k 54
MHR Method for Equidistance Nodes 55
Conclusion 57
References 58
Video Quality Assessment Using the Combined Full-Reference Approach 60
Introduction 60
Methods of Image Quality Assessment 61
Combined Metric and Its Verification 63
Conclusions 65
References 66
An Improved Self-embedding Algorithm: Digital Content Protection against Compression Attacks in Digital Watermarking 68
Introduction 68
OurMethod 70
Image Encryption Algorithm 71
Results and Discussion 72
JPEG Compression Attack 73
BTC Compression Attack 73
SVD Compression Attack 74
Conclusion 75
References 75
Generation of View Representation from View Points on Spiral Trajectory 76
Introduction 76
View Generation Space - Basic Concepts 77
Uniformly Distributed View Points on View Sphere 78
View Points on Spiral Path 80
Uniformly Distributed View Points on Spiral Path 80
Results 82
References 83
Gradient Based Edge Detection in Various Color Spaces 84
Introduction 84
RGB Space 84
HSB Space 85
YUV Space 86
CIEXYZ Space 87
CIELab Space 88
Conclusions 89
References 89
Improve Vector Quantization Strategy 90
Introduction 90
Adaptive VQ-Design 91
Rotation Block 91
Mean and Mode 91
Mean Removed VQ (MRVQ) 92
Block Classification 93
Random Coding 93
Pruning Found 94
Result and Conclusion 96
Conclusion 96
References 97
Part II: Biometric 98
Knuckle Biometrics for Human Identification 99
Introduction 99
Knuckle Biometrics System Architecture Overview 100
Knuckle Preprocessing Phase 101
Feature Extraction 101
Short Feature Vector (Basic Features) 101
Knuckle Lines Model 102
Knuckle Texture Descriptors 103
Classification 104
Results 104
Conclusions 105
References 105
A New Method of Fingerprint Key Protection of Grid Credential 107
Introduction 107
Method of Fingerprint Protection of Private Keys 107
Method Verification 110
References 111
Human Vein Pattern Segmentation from Low Quality Images – A Comparison of Methods 112
Introduction 112
Dataset Collection 113
The Method Based on Discrete Fourier Transform 113
The Gradient-Based Segmentation Method 116
Results of the Experiment 117
Conclusions 119
References 119
A Modified Algorithm for User Identification by His Typing on the Keyboard 120
Introduction 120
Other Works on Keystroke Dynamics 121
Authors’ Suggessed Approach 122
Experimental Results 124
Conclusions and Future Work 126
References 127
Multimodal Biometric Personal Authentication Integrating Iris and Retina Images 128
Introduction 128
Iris and Retina Recognition 130
Iris Recognition 132
Retina Recognition 135
Conclusion 137
References 137
Part III: Recognition and Classification 139
Fusion Methods for the Two Class Recognition Problem – Analytical and Experimental Results 140
Introduction 140
Fusion Based on Values of Classifiers Discriminant Function 141
Analytical Characteristics of Fusion Methods 142
Experiments 144
Set Up of Experiment 144
Results 145
Experimental Results Evaluation 145
FinalRemarks 146
References 146
Feature Type and Size Selection for AdaBoost Face Detection Algorithm 148
Introduction 148
The AdaBoost Algorithm 148
AdaBoost Algorithm for Face Detection 150
Rotated Haar-Like Features 151
Experiments 152
Conclusions and Future Research 153
References 154
3D Morphable Models Application for Expanding Face Database Limited to Single Frontal Face Image Per Person 155
Introduction 155
Model Construction 156
3D Face Scanner 156
Generic Face Model Construction 156
Generation of Novel Virtual Face Samples 157
Fitting Morphable Model 157
Performance 159
Conclusions 160
References 160
A Partition of Feature Space Based on Information Energy in Classification with Fuzzy Observations 162
Introduction 162
Bayes Classifier 163
Bayes Error 164
Basic Notions of Fuzzy Theory 165
Probability Error in Bayes Classifier with Fuzzy Observations 166
Numerical Example 167
Conclusion 168
References 169
Recognition of Signed Expressions Using Cluster-Based Segmentation of Time Series 170
Introduction 170
A Data-Driven Subsequence Extraction Method 171
The Input Data 171
Sequence Partitioning Problem 172
Optimization Method 173
Subunit–Based Recognition 174
Experiments 175
Conclusions 176
References 177
Extending 3D Shape Measurement with Reflectance Estimation 178
Introduction 178
Integrated Measurement Method 179
Shape Measurement 180
Color Measurement 180
Angular Reflection Measurement 181
Merging Multiple Measurements 182
Experimental Setup 183
Measurement Results 183
Conclusions 185
References 185
Software Framework for Efficient Tensor Representation and Decompositions for Pattern Recognition in Computer Vision 187
Introduction 187
Architecture of the Software Framework 188
Computation of the HOSVD Tensor Decomposition 191
Experiments 192
Conclusions 194
References 194
Hand Shape Recognition in Real Images Using Hierarchical Temporal Memory Trained on Synthetic Data 195
Introduction 195
Hierarchical Temporal Memory Concept 196
Problem Definition and Proposed Solution 197
Results and Discussion 199
Conclusions and Future Work 201
References 202
Performance Comparison among Complex Wavelet Transforms Based Face Recognition Systems 203
Introduction 203
GABOR Wavelets 204
Complex Wavelet Transform 205
Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform 205
Single-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform 206
ProposedMethod 206
Simulation Results and Discussions 208
Conclusion 209
References 210
Part IV: Biomedical Image Processing 212
The Method of Immunohistochemical Images Standardization 213
Introduction 213
Images Charcteristics 214
Methods 216
Experimental Data 218
Results and Discussion 218
Conclusion 219
References 220
The Usefulness of Textural Features in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis 222
Prostate Cancer Diagnostics 222
Perfusion Computed Tomography 223
The p-CT Images 223
Textural Features 224
Methodology and Results 226
Conclusion 227
References 227
Noise Influance Reduction in Estimation of CBF, CBV and MTT, MRI Perfusion Parameters 229
Introduction 229
MRI Data Analysis 230
Interpolated Pixel Sampling 232
Tested Methods 233
Tests Results 234
Conclusions 235
References 236
Interpretation of the Sequences of Magnetocardiographical Images Based on Flow of Electrical Impulses through Human Heart 237
Introduction 237
MCG Data Formats 238
Time Runs 238
Magnetic Field Maps (MF Maps) 238
Pseudo Current Density Maps (PCD Maps) 239
Novel Approach to Patient’s MCG Data Evaluation 240
Experiment and Discussion 241
Experimental Database 241
Test Groups Construction 241
Parameters of the Experiment 241
Results Summary 242
Results Discussion 242
Conclusions 244
References 244
Automatic Left Ventricle Segmentation in T2 Weighted CMR Images 245
Introduction 245
Automatic Left Ventricle Segmentation System 246
Pre-processing and Centre Point Detection 246
Left Ventricle Segmentation 248
Experimental Result 250
Conclusion and Remarks 251
References 252
Research of Muscular Activity during Gait of Persons with Cerebral Palsy 253
Introduction 253
Methodology 254
Results and Discussion 255
Conclusions 258
References 259
Automated Recognition of Abnormal Structures in WCE Images Based on Texture Most Discriminative Descriptors 260
Introduction 260
Capsule Endoscopy 261
Texture Analysis 262
Vector Supported Convex Hull Method 263
Experiment 264
Results Discussion and Conclusions 265
References 266
Augmented Reality Interface for Visualization of Volumetric Medical Data 268
Introduction 268
Augmented Reality Environment 269
Real Time Rendering of 3D Data 270
The System Performance Test 271
Conclusion 273
References 274
Biomedical Computer Vision Using Computer Algebra: Analysis of a Case of Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis in a Diabetic Boy 275
Introduction 275
Image Processing Using Convolution 276
Image Processing Using Deblurring via Diffusion Equation 277
Image Processing Using Geometric Topology 278
Image Processing Using Tutte Polynomials for Graphs 279
Image Processing Using Khovanov Polynomials for Knots 280
Image Processing Using Homology 281
Conclusions 282
References 282
Part V: Applications 283
Adaptive B-Spline Model Based Probabilistic Active Contour for Weld Defect Detection in Radiographic Imaging 284
Introduction 284
Probabilistic Deformable Model 285
Probabilistic Image Model 285
Bayesian Approach for Contour Estimation 285
Case with Fixed $k$ 286
Case with Adaptive $k$ 286
Experimental Results 288
Conclusion 290
References 291
FONN-Based Affine-Invariant Image Recognition 293
Introduction 293
The Structure of the FONN Classifier 294
Invariance to Affine Transformations 295
Experimental Validation 296
Conclusion 300
References 300
Coarse-Grained Loop Parallelization for Image Processing and Communication Applications 301
Introduction 301
Image Processing and Communication Algorithms in the UTDSP Benchmark 302
Parallelism Extraction Using Iteration Space Slicing 303
Experiments 306
Conclusion 307
References 307
SMAS - Stereovision Mobility Aid System for People with a Vision Impairment 309
Introduction and Motivation 309
System Architecture 310
Obstacles Detection 310
Stereo Matching 311
Depth Map Segmentation 311
Object Identification 313
Risk Management 314
Experiments 314
Conclusions 315
References 316
Extracting Symbolic Function Expressions by Means of Neural Networks 317
Introduction 317
Simple Network Using Logarithmic and Exponential Functions 319
Network Based on Reciprocal Activation Functions 321
Learning the Network 322
Conclusions 323
References 324
Mathematical Morphology in the Process of Musical Notation Recognition 325
Introduction 325
Staff Line Removal Method 326
Preparing an Image to Notes Identification 328
Conclusions 329
References 329
GPU-Accelerated Object Tracking Using Particle Filtering and Appearance-Adaptive Models 330
Introduction 330
Object Tracking Using Appearance-Adaptive Models in Particle Filter 331
Particle Filtering 331
Appearance-Adaptive Models 333
Implementation of Object Tracking on GPU 334
Programming in CUDA 334
Implementation Details 334
Experimental Results 335
Conclusions 336
References 337
Application of Epipolar Rectification Algorithm in 3D Television 338
Introduction 338
Pinhole Camera Model 339
Proposed Rectification Algorithm 340
Camera Calibration 340
Coordinate Systems Transposition 340
Final Camera Parameters Calculation 342
Rectifying Transform Calculation 343
Conclusions 343
References 345
Crack Detection on Asphalt Surface Image Using Local Minimum Analysis 346
Introduction 346
Proposed Algorithm 347
Local Minimum Searching 347
Verification Process 348
Experimental Results 349
Conclusions 351
References 351
Eye Tracking System for Human Computer Interaction 353
Introduction 353
Object Detection 355
Pupil Center Detection 357
OpenCV Functions Used in Our System 358
Cursor Movement 359
Conclusions 360
References 361
Part VI: Communications 362
Errors Nature in Indoors Low Power 433 MHz Wireless Network 363
Introduction 363
The Study in More Detail 364
Packet Error Analysis 365
Frame Error Analysis 366
Frame Error Analysis 367
Conclusions 368
References 368
Using Google Earth for Visualization in FTTH Network Planning 369
Introduction 369
The Network Planning Process 370
Google Earth and Its Data Formats 372
Transformation Process 374
Application Examples 374
Conclusion 377
References 378
The Development of a Platform Based on Wireless Sensors Network and ZigBee Protocol for the Easy Detection of the Forest Fire. A Case Study 380
Introduction 380
Sensors Networks (WSN) Technology and the ZigBee Communication Protocol 381
The Platform 381
The Communication Network 381
The Wireless Sensor Network 383
The Reception Center 384
Programming the Nodes 384
System Architecture 385
Presentation of Data 387
References 388
Mazovia Broadband Network (MBN Network). Case Study 389
Introduction 389
Estimation of Total Volume IP Traffic Carried in MBN Network 390
MBN Network Implementation 393
MBN Architecture and Traffic Transfer in the Network 396
MBN Network Options and Active Equipment Configuration 397
Construction Cost for the Various Network Options 401
Conclusion 403
References 403
The Method of GMPLS Network Reliability Evaluation 405
Introduction 405
The GMPLS Network Architecture 406
Reliability Evaluation for Complex Systems 406
GMPLS as Multistate System 407
Example of Reliability Evaluation 408
Example 1 409
Example 2 409
Conclusions 411
References 411
The Improved Least Interference Routing Algorithm 413
Introduction 413
LSP Choice Algorithms 414
Proposed Algorithm of LSPs Choice 416
Obtained Results 417
Conclusions 420
References 421
Comparison of Modified Degree 6 Chordal Rings 422
Introduction 422
Background 423
Other Modified Topologies of Chordal Rings 6th Nodal Dergree 425
Comparison of Sixth Nodal Degree Chordal Rings 430
Conclusions 431
References 431
Evaluation of Measurement Based Admission Control Algorithms for IEEE 802.16 Networks in Simulations with L2S Physical Layer Abstraction and nbLDPC Codes 433
Introduction 433
Previous Work 434
ARAC with MCS and Connection State Control (ARAC) and ARAC Without MCS and Connection State Control (nscARAC) 435
Introduction 435
Simulation Parameters and Results 436
Results Discussion and Conclusions 437
Performance Comparison of ARAC and EMAC 440
Introduction 440
Simulation Parameters and Results 441
Results Discussion and Conclusions 442
Future Work 444
References 444
The Gap between Packet Level QoS and Objective QoE Assessment of WWW on Mobile Devices 446
Introduction 446
Related Work 447
Market Analysis 448
Regulations and Standards (QoE/QoS) in Mobile Networks 448
Methodology 449
Results 451
Conclusions 452
References 453
Evaluation of Smoothing Algorithms for a RSSI-Based Device-Free Passive Localisation 454
Introduction 454
Initial Measurements 456
Evaluation 458
Conclusion 459
References 460
Performance Evaluation of ADS System Based on Redundant Dictionary 462
Introduction 462
Anomaly Detection Algorithm Based on Redundant Dictionary of Base Functions 463
Evaluation of the Proposed ADS Methodology 465
Comparison of the Matching Pursuit with Standard DWT Using 15 Traffic Parameters 467
Conclusion 468
References 469
Index 470

Erscheint lt. Verlag 5.10.2010
Reihe/Serie Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing
Zusatzinfo XII, 486 p. 229 illus.
Verlagsort Berlin
Sprache englisch
Themenwelt Informatik Theorie / Studium Künstliche Intelligenz / Robotik
Mathematik / Informatik Informatik Web / Internet
Technik Elektrotechnik / Energietechnik
Technik Nachrichtentechnik
Schlagworte augmented reality • Communication Services • Computational Intelligence • Fon • fuzzy • IEEE 80 • Image Processing • Mathematical Morphology • Norm • Planning • protection • quality • Quality of Service (QoS) • Sensor • Simulation
ISBN-10 3-642-16295-9 / 3642162959
ISBN-13 978-3-642-16295-4 / 9783642162954
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