Principles of Genetics - D. Peter Snustad, Michael J. Simmons

Principles of Genetics

648 Seiten
2015 | 7th edition
John Wiley & Sons Inc (Verlag)
978-1-119-14228-7 (ISBN)
119,95 inkl. MwSt
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Principles of Genetics is one of the most popular texts in use for the introductory course. It opens a window on the rapidly advancing science of genetics by showing exactly how genetics is done. Throughout, the authors incorporate a human emphasis and highlight the role of geneticists to keep students interested and motivated. The seventh edition has been completely updated to reflect the latest developments in the field of genetics. Principles of Genetics continues to educate today’s students for tomorrows science by focusing on features that aid in content comprehension and application. This text is an unbound, three hole punched version.

D. Peter Snustad and Michael J. Simmons are the authors of Principles of Genetics, Binder Ready Version, 7th Edition, published by Wiley.

Chapter 1 : The Science of Genetics 1

The Personal Genome 1

an Invitation 2

Three Great Milestones in Genetics 2

Mendel: Genes And The Rules Of Inheritance 2

Watson And Crick: The Structure Of DNA 3

The Human Genome Project: Sequencing DNA And Cataloging Genes 4

DNA as the Genetic Material 6

DNA Replication: Propagating Genetic Information 6

Gene Expression: Using Genetic Information 7

Mutation: Changing Genetic Information 9

Genetics and Evolution 10

Levels of Genetic analysis 11

Classical Genetics 11

Molecular Genetics 11

Population Genetics 12

Genetics in the World: applications of Genetics to human Endeavors 12

Genetics In Agriculture 12

Genetics In Medicine 14

Genetics In Society 15

Chapter 2 : Cellular Reproduction 18

Dolly 18

Cells and Chromosomes 19

The Cellular Environment 19

Prokaryotic And Eukaryotic Cells 20

Chromosomes: Where Genes Are Located 20

Cell Division 23

Mitosis 24

Meiosis 27

Meiosis: An Overview 27

Meiosis I 27

Solve It : how Much DNA in human Meiotic Cells 27

Meiosis II And The Outcomes Of Meiosis 31

Solve It : How Many Chromosome Combinations in Sperm 31

Life Cycles of Some Model Genetic Organisms 32

Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Baker’s Yeast 32

Arabidopsis Thaliana, A Flowering Plant 33

Mus Musculus, The Mouse 34

Problem-Solving Skills Counting

Chromosomes and Chromatids 36

Chapter 3 : Mendelism: The Basic Principles of Inheritance 40

The Birth of Genetics: A Scientific Revolution 40

Mendel’s Study of heredity 41

Mendel’s Experimental Organism, The Garden Pea 41

Monohybrid Crosses: The Principles of Dominance And Segregation 42

Dihybrid Crosses: The Principle of Independent Assortment 44

Applications of Mendel’s principles 46

The Punnett Square Method 46

The Forked-Line Method 46

The Probability Method 47

Solve It : Using probabilities in a Genetic problem 48

Testing Genetic hypotheses 48

Two Examples: Data From Mendel And Devries 49

The Chi-Square Test 49

Solve It : Using the Chi-Square test 52

Mendelian principles in human Genetics 52

Pedigrees 53

Mendelian Segregation In Human Families 54

Genetic Counseling 54

Problem-Solving Skills Making Predictions From Pedigrees 56

Chapter 4 : Extensions of Mendelism 62

Genetics Grows beyond Mendel’s Monastery Garden 62

Allelic Variation and Gene Function 63

Incomplete Dominance and Codominance 63

Multiple Alleles 64

Allelic Series 65

Testing Gene Mutations for Allelism 65

Solve It:The Test for Allelism 66

Variation among the Effects of Mutations 66

Genes Function to Produce Polypeptides 67

Why Are Some Mutations Dominant and Others Recessive? 68

Gene Action: From Genotype to Phenotype 69

Influence of the Environment 69

Environmental Effects on the Expression of Human Genes 70

Penetrance and Expressivity 70

Gene Interactions 71

Epistasis 71

Epistasis and Genetic Pathways 72

Pleiotropy 74

Problem-Solving Skills Going from Pathways to Phenotypic Ratios 75

Inbreeding: Another Look at Pedigrees 76

The Effects of Inbreeding 76

Genetic Analysis of Inbreeding 77

Uses Of The Inbreeding Coefficient 80

Solve It : Compound Inbreeding 80

Measuring Genetic Relationships 81

Chapter 5 : The Chromosomal Basis of Mendelism 88

Sex, Chromosomes, and Genes 88

Chromosomes 89

Chromosome Number 89

Sex Chromosomes 89

The Chromosome Theory of Heredity 91

Experimental Evidence Linking the Inheritance of Genes to Chromosomes 91

Nondisjunction as Proof of the Chromosome Theory 92

The Chromosomal Basis of Mendel’s Principles of Segregation and Independent Assortment 94

Solve It : Sex Chromosome Nondisjunction 94

Problem-Solving Skills Tracking X-Linked and Autosomal Inheritance 96

Sex-Linked Genes in Humans 97

Hemophilia, an X-Linked Blood-Clotting Disorder 97

Color Blindness, an X-Linked Vision Disorder 97

Genes on the Human Y Chromosome 99

Genes on Both the X and Y Chromosomes 99

SOLVE IT Calculating the Risk for Hemophilia 99

Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination 99

Sex Determination in Humans 100

Sex Determination in Drosophila 101

Sex Determination in Other Animals 101

Dosage Compensation of X-Linked Genes 103

Hyperactivation of X-linked Genes in Male Drosophila 103

Inactivation of X-linked Genes in Female Mammals 103

Chapter 6 : Variation in Chromosome Number and Structure 109

Chromosomes, Agriculture, and Civilization 109

Cytological Techniques 110

Analysis of Mitotic Chromosomes 110

The Human Karyotype 112

Cytogenetic Variation: An Overview 113

Polyploidy 114

Sterile Polyploids 114

Fertile Polyploids 115

Tissue-Specific Polyploidy and Polyteny 116

Solve It : Chromosome Pairing in Polyploids 116

Aneuploidy 118

Trisomy in Humans 119

Monosomy 120

Problem-Solving Skills : Tracing Sex Chromosome Nondisjunction 122

Deletions and Duplications of Chromosome Segments 122

Rearrangements of Chromosome Structure 124

Inversions 124

Translocations 125

Compound Chromosomes and Robertsonian Translocations 126

Solve It : Pollen Abortion in Translocation Heterozygotes 127

Chapter 7 : Linkage, Crossing Over, and Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes 133

The World’s First Chromosome Map 133

Linkage, Recombination, and Crossing Over 134

Early Evidence for Linkage and Recombination 134

Crossing Over as the Physical Basis of Recombination 136

Evidence That Crossing Over Causes Recombination 137

Chiasmata and the Time of Crossing Over 138

Chromosome Mapping 139

Crossing Over as a Measure of Genetic Distance 139

Recombination Mapping with a Two-Point Testcross 140

Recombination Mapping with a Three-Point Testcross 140

Solve It : Mapping Two Genes with Testcross Data 141

Problem-Solving Skills Using a Genetic Map to Predict the Outcome of a Cross 144

Recombination Frequency and Genetic Map Distance 144

Cytogenetic Mapping 146

Localizing Genes Using Deletions and Duplications 146

Genetic Distance and Physical Distance 147

Solve It : Cytological Mapping of a Drosophila Gene 148

Linkage Analysis in Humans 148

An Example: Linkage Between Blood Groups

And The Nail-Patella Syndrome 149

Detecting Linkage With Molecular Markers 150

Recombination and Evolution 151

Evolutionary Significance of Recombination 151

Suppression of Recombination by Inversions 152

Chapter 8 : The Genetics of Bacteria and Their Viruses 161

Multi - Drug-Resistant Bacteria: A Ticking Timebomb? 161

Viruses and Bacteria in Genetics 162

The Genetics of Viruses 163

Bacteriophage T4 163

Bacteriophage Lambda 164

The Genetics of Bacteria 167

Mutant Genes in Bacteria 168

Unidirectional Gene Transfer in Bacteria 169

Mechanisms of Genetic Exchange in Bacteria 170

Transformation 171

Mechanism Of Transformation 172

Conjugation 173

Using Conjugation To Map E. Coli Genes 175

Plasmids and Episomes 177

Problem-Solving Skills Mapping Genes Using Conjugation Data 178

F Factors and Sexduction 179

Transduction 180

Solve It : How Can You Map Closely Linked Genes  Using Partial Diploids? 181

Evolutionary Significance Of Genetic Exchange In Bacteria 183

Solve It : How Do Bacterial Genomes Evolve? 183

Chapter 9 : DNA and the Molecular Structure of Chromosomes 189

Discovery of Nuclein 189

Proof That Genetic Information Is Stored in DNA and RNA 190

Proof That DNA Mediates Transformation 190

Proof That DNA Carries the Genetic Information in Bacteriophage T2 191

Proof That RNA Stores the Genetic Information in Some Viruses 193

The Structures of DNA and Rna 194

Nature of the Chemical Subunits in DNA and RNA 194

DNA Structure: The Double Helix 195

Problem-Solving Skills Calculating base Content in DNA 199

DNA Structure: Alternate Forms of the Double Helix 199

Solve It : What Are Some Important Features of Double-Stranded DNA? 200

DNA Structure: Negative Supercoils In Vivo 200

Chromosome Structure in Viruses and Prokaryotes 201

Chromosome Structure in Eukaryotes 203

Chemical Composition of Eukaryotic Chromosomes 203

One Large DNA Molecule per Chromosome 204

Nucleosomes 205

Packaging Of Chromatin In Eukaryotic Chromosomes 207

Solve It : How Many Nucleosomes in One Human X Chromosome? 207

Special Features of Eukaryotic Chromosomes 208

Complexity Of DNA In Chromosomes: Unique And Repetitive Sequences 209

Centromeres 211

Telomeres 211

Chapter 10 : Replication of DNA and Chromosomes 217

Monozygotic Twins: Are They Identical? 217

Basic Features of DNA Replication In Vivo 218

Semiconservative Replication Of DNA Molecules 218

Semi conservative replication of eukaryotic chromosomes 220

Origins of Replication 221

Solve It : Semiconservative Replication of DNA 221

Problem-Solving Skills Predicting Patterns of 3 H Labeling in Chromosomes 223

Replication Forks 224

Bidirectional Replication 225

DNA Replication in Prokaryotes 228

Continuous Synthesis of One Strand; Discontinuous Synthesis of the Other Strand 228

Covalent Closure of Nicks in DNA by DNA Ligase 229

Initiation of DNA Replication 230

Initiation of DNA Chains with RNA Primers 230

Unwinding DNA with Helicases, DNA-Binding Proteins, and Topoisomerases 232

Multiple DNA Polymerases 235

Proofreading 237

The Primosome and the Replisome 238

Rolling-Circle Replication 240

Unique Aspects of Eukaryotic Chromosome Replication 241

The Cell Cycle 241

Multiple Replicons per Chromosome 241

Two or More DNA Polymerases at a Single Replication Fork 242

Solve It : Understanding Replication of the Human X Chromosome 243

Duplication of Nucleosomes at Replication Forks 243

Telomerase: Replication of Chromosome Termini 244

Telomere Length and Aging in Humans 245

Chapter 11 : Transcription and RNA Processing 252

Storage and Transmission of Information with Simple Codes 252

Transfer of Genetic Information: The Central Dogma 253

Transcription and Translation 253

Five Types of RNA Molecules 254

The Process of Gene Expression 255

An mRNA Intermediary 255

General Features of RNA Synthesis 257

Problem-Solving Skills Distinguishing RNAs Transcribed from Viral and Host DNAs 258

Transcription in Prokaryotes 259

RNA Polymerases: Complex Enzymes 259

Initiation of RNA Chains 260

Elongation of RNA Chains 260

Termination of RNA Chains 261

Concurrent Transcription, Translation, and mRNA Degradation 262

Transcription and RNA Processing in Eukaryotes 263

Five RNA Polymerases/Five Sets of Genes 263

Initiation of RNA Chains 265

Solve It : Initiation of Transcription by RNA Polymerase II in Eukaryotes 265

RNA Chain Elongation and the Addition of 5 Methyl Guanosine Caps 266

Termination by Chain Cleavage and the Addition of 3 Poly(A) Tails 267

Solve It : Formation of the 3 -Terminus of an RNA Polymerase II Transcript 268

RNA Editing: Altering the Information Content of mRNA Molecules 268

Interrupted Genes in Eukaryotes: Exons and Introns 269

Evidence For Introns 270

Some Very Large Eukaryotic Genes 271

Introns: Biological Significance? 271

Removal of Intron Sequences by RNA Splicing 272

Sequence Signals For RNA Splicing 272

tRNA Precursor Splicing: Unique Nuclease and Ligase Activities 273

Autocatalytic Splicing 273

Pre-mRNA Splicing: snRNAs, snRNPs, and the spliceosome 274

Chapter 12 : Translation and the Genetic Code 280

Sickle - Cell Anemia : Devastating Effects of a Single Amino Acid Change 280

Protein Structure 281

Polypeptides: Twenty Different Amino Acid Subunits 281

Proteins: Complex Three-Dimensional Structures 281

Genes Encode Polypeptides 284

Beadle and Tatum: One Gene–One Enzyme 284

Crick and Colleagues: Each Amino Acid In A Polypeptide Is Specified By Three Nucleotides 286

The Components of Polypeptide Synthesis 289

Overview Of Gene Expression 289

Ribosomes 290

Transfer RNAs 292

The Process of Polypeptide Synthesis 294

Polypeptide Chain Initiation 294

Polypeptide Chain Elongation 298

Polypeptide Chain Termination 300

Solve It : Control of Translation in Eukaryotes 300

The Genetic Code 302

Properties of the Genetic Code 302

Deciphering the Code 302

Initiation and Termination Codons 303

A Degenerate and Ordered Code 303

A Nearly Universal Code 305

Problem-Solving Skills Predicting Amino Acid Substitutions Induced by Mutagens 305

Codon-tRNA Interactions 306

Recognition of Codons by tRNAs: The Wobble Hypothesis 306

Suppressor Mutations That Produce tRNAs with Altered Codon Recognition 307

Solve It : Effects of Base-Pair Substitutions in the Coding Region of the HBB Gene 308

Chapter 13 : Mutation, DNA Repair, and Recombination 313

Xeroderma Pigmentosum : Defective Repair of Damaged DNA in Humans 313

Mutation 314

Somatic and Germinal Mutations 314

Spontaneous and Induced Mutations 314

Forward And Reverse Mutations 315

Usually Deleterious and Recessive 315

The Molecular Basis of Mutation 317

Single Base-Pair Changes And Frameshift Mutations 317

Solve It : Nucleotide-Pair Substitutions in the Human HBB Gene 318

Transposon Insertion Mutations 318

Mutations Caused By Expanding Trinucleotide Repeats 319

Mutagenesis 320

Muller’s Demonstration That Mutations Can Be

Induced With X-Rays 320

Inducing Mutations With Radiation 321

Inducing Mutations With Chemicals 323

Screening Chemicals For Mutagenicity: The Ames Test 326

Problem-Solving Skills Predicting Amino Acid

Changes Induced by Chemical Mutagens 327

Assigning Mutations to Genes by the

Complementation Test 329

Lewis’s Test For Allelism 329

Applying The Complementation Test: An Example 331

Solve It : How Can You Assign Mutations to Genes? 331

DNA Repair Mechanisms 333

Light-Dependent Repair 333

Excision Repair 333

Other DNA Repair Mechanisms 334

Inherited Human Diseases With Defects

In DNA Repair 336

DNA Recombination Mechanisms 338

Recombination: Cleavage and Rejoining of DNA Molecules 338

Gene Conversion: DNA Repair Synthesis Associated with Recombination 341

Chapter 14 : The Techniques of Molecular Genetics 350

Treatment of Pituitary Dwarfism with Human Growth Hormone 350

Basic Techniques Used to Identify, Amplify, and Clone Genes 351

DNA Cloning: An Overview 351

Restriction Endonucleases 351

Solve It : How Many NotI Restriction Fragments in Chimpanzee DNA? 354

Producing Recombinant DNA Molecules In Vitro 354

Amplification of Recombinant DNA Molecules in Cloning Vectors 354

Cloning Large Genes and Segments of Genomes in BACs, PACs, and YACs 357

Amplification of DNA Sequences by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) 358

Construction and Screening of DNA Libraries 360

Construction of Genomic Libraries 360

Construction of cDNA Libraries 361

Screening DNA Libraries for Genes of Interest 361

Solve It How Can You Clone a Specific NotI Restriction Fragment from the Orangutan Genome? 363

The Molecular Analysis of DNA, RNA, and Protein 364

Analysis of DNAs by Southern Blot Hybridizations 364

Analysis of RNAs by Northern Blot Hybridizations 365

Analysis of RNAs by Reverse Transcriptase-PCR (RT-PCR) 366

Analysis of Proteins by Western Blot Techniques 368

The Molecular Analysis of Genes and Chromosomes 368

Physical Maps of DNA Molecules Based on Restriction Enzyme Cleavage Sites 369

Nucleotide Sequences of Genes and Chromosomes 370

Problem-Solving Skills Determining the Nucleotide Sequences of Genetic Elements 373

Chapter 15 : Genomics 379

Genomes from Denisova Cave 379

Genomics: An Overview 380

The Scope Of Genomics 380

Genomics Databases 380

Problem-Solving Skills Using Bioinformatics to Investigate DNA Sequences 382

Correlated Genetic, Cytological, and Physical Maps of Chromosomes 382

Genetic, Cytological, and Physical Maps 383

High-Density Genetic Maps of Molecular Markers 384

Contig Maps And Clone Banks 385

Map-Based Cloning Of Genes 387

The Human Genome Project 387

Mapping The Human Genome 388

Sequencing The Human Genome 388

General Features Of The Human Genome 390

Repeated Sequences In The Human Genome 390

Genes In The Human Genome 391

Solve It : What Can You Learn about DNA Sequences Using Bioinformatics? 392

Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms And The Human Hapmap Project 395

RNA and Protein Assays of Genome Functions 397

Microarrays And Gene Chips 397

The Green Fluorescent Protein As A Reporter Of Protein Presence 400

Genome Diversity and Evolution 401

Prokaryotic Genomes 401

A Living Bacterium With A Chemically Synthesized Genome 403

The Genomes Of Mitochondria And Chloroplasts 404

Eukaryotic Genomes 407

Comparative Genomics: A Way To Study Evolution 408

Paleogenomics 409

Solve It What Do We Know about the Mitochondrial Genome of the Extinct Woolly Mammoth? 411

Chapter 16 : Applications of Molecular Genetics 417

Gene Therapy Improves Sight in Child with Congenital Blindness 417

Use of Recombinant DNA Technology to Identify Human Genes and Diagnose Genetic Diseases 418

Huntington’s Disease 418

Problem-Solving Skills Testing for Mutant Alleles that Cause Fragile X Mental Retardation 421

Cystic Fibrosis 421

Molecular Diagnosis of Human Diseases 424

Human Gene Therapy 426

Different Types Of Gene Therapy 426

Gene Therapy Vectors 427

Criteria For Approving Gene Therapy 427

Gene Therapy For Autosomal Immunodeficiency Disease 428

Gene Therapy For X-Linked Immunodeficiency Disease 428

Successful Gene Therapy And Future Prospects 430

DNA Profiling 431

DNA Profiling 431

Paternity Tests 435

Forensic Applications 435

Solve It : How Can DNA Profiles Be Used to Establish Identity? 435

Production of Eukaryotic Proteins in Bacteria 437

Human Growth Hormone 437

Proteins with Industrial Applications 438

Transgenic Animals and Plants 439

Transgenic Animals: Microinjection of DNA into Fertilized Eggs and Transfection of Embryonic Stem Cells 439

Transgenic Plants: The Ti Plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens 440

Reverse Genetics: Dissecting Biological Processes by Inhibiting Gene Expression 442

Knockout Mutations in the Mouse 443

T-DNA and Transposon Insertions 445

RNA Interference 446

Solve It : How Might RNA Interference Be Used to Treat Burkitt’s Lymphoma? 448

Genome Engineering 448

The Crispr/Cas9 System For Cleaving DNA Molecules 448

Targeted Mutagenesis With The Crispr/Cas9 System 450

Deleting, Replacing, And Editing Genes With The Crispr/ Cas9 System 452

Chapter 17 : Regulation of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes 459

D’Hérelle’s Dream 459

Strategies for Regulating Genes in Prokaryotes 460

Constitutive, Inducible, and Repressible Gene Expression 461

Positive and Negative Control of Gene Expression 462

Operons: Coordinately Regulated Units of Gene Expression 464

The Lactose Operon in E. coli: Induction and Catabolite Repression 466

Solve It : Constitutive Mutations in the E. coli lac Operon 468

Induction 468

Catabolite Repression 469          

Problem-Solving Skills Testing Your Understanding of the lac Operon 471

Protein–DNA Interactions That Control Transcription of the lac Operon 472

The Tryptophan Operon in E. coli: Repression and Attenuation 474

Repression 474

Attenuation 475

Solve It : Regulation of the Histidine Operon of Salmonella typhimurium 477

Posttranscriptional Regulation of Gene

Expression in Prokaryotes 479

Translational Control of Gene Expression 479

Posttranslational Regulatory Mechanisms 479

Chapter 18 : Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes 484

African Trypanosomes : A Ward robe of Molecular DisguIses 484

Ways of Regulating Eukaryotic Gene Expression: An Overview 485

Dimensions of Eukaryotic Gene Regulation 485

Controlled Transcription of DNA 485

Alternate Splicing of RNA 486

Cytoplasmic Control of Messenger RNA Stability 486

Solve It : Counting mRNAs 487

Induction of Transcriptional Activity by Environmental and Biological Factors 487

Temperature: The Heat-Shock Genes 488

Signal Molecules: Genes That Respond to Hormones 488

Molecular Control of Transcription in Eukaryotes 490

DNA Sequences Involved in the Control of Transcription 490

Proteins Involved in the Control of Transcription: Transcription Factors 491

Problem-Solving Skills Defining the Sequences Required for a Gene’s Expression 492

Posttranscriptional Regulation of Gene Expression by RNA Interference 494

RNAi Pathways 494

Sources of Short Interfering RNAs and MicroRNAs 496

Solve It Using RnAi in Cell Research 497

Gene Expression and Chromatin

Organization 497

Euchromatin and Heterochromatin 498

Molecular Organization of Transcriptionally Active DNA 498

Chromatin Remodeling 499

DNA Methylation 500

Imprinting 502

Activation and Inactivation of Whole Chromosomes 503

Inactivation of X Chromosomes in Mammals 504

Hyperactivation of X Chromosomes in Drosophila 505

Hypoactivation of X Chromosomes in Caenorhabditis 506

Chapter 19 : Inheritance of Complex Traits 511

Cardiovascular Disease: A Combination of Genetic and Environmental Factors 511

Complex Traits 512

Quantifying Complex Traits 512

Genetic and Environmental Factors Influence Quantitative Traits 512

Multiple Genes Influence Quantitative Traits 512

Threshold Traits 514

Statistics of Quantitative Genetics 515

Frequency Distributions 515

The Mean and the Modal Class 516

The Variance and the Standard Deviation 516

Statistical Analysis of Quantitative Traits 517

The Multiple Factor Hypothesis 518

Partitioning the Phenotypic Variance 518

Broad-Sense Heritability 519

Solve It Estimating Genetic and Environmental Variance Components 519

Narrow-Sense Heritability 520

Predicting Phenotypes 521

Solve It Using the Narrow-Sense Heritability 522

Artificial Selection 522

Molecular Analysis of Complex Traits 523

Quantitative Trait Loci 523

Genome-Wide Association Studies Of Human Diseases 526

Problem-Solving Skills Detecting Dominance at a QTL 527

Correlations between Relatives 531

Correlating Quantitative Phenotypes between Relatives 531

Interpreting Correlations between Relatives 533

Quantitative Genetics of Human

Behavioral Traits 535

Intelligence 535

Personality 536

Chapter 20 : Population Genetics 541

A Remote Colony 541

The Theory of Allele Frequencies 542

Estimating Allele Frequencies 542

Relating Genotype Frequencies to Allele Frequencies: The Hardy–Weinberg Principle 543

Applications of the Hardy–Weinberg Principle 543

Exceptions to the Hardy–Weinberg Principle 545

Solve It : The Effects of Inbreeding on Hardy– Weinberg Frequencies 546

Using Allele Frequencies in Genetic Counseling 547

Natural Selection 548

The Concept of Fitness 548

Natural Selection at the Level of the Gene 549

Solve It : Selection against a Harmful Recessive Allele 550

Random Genetic Drift 552

Random Changes in Allele Frequencies 552

The Effects of Population Size 553

Problem-Solving Skills Applying Genetic Drift to Pitcairn Island 554

Populations in Genetic Equilibrium 554

Balancing Selection 555

Mutation–Selection Balance 556

Mutation–Drift Balance 557

Answers to Odd-Numbered Questions and Problems 563

Glossary 584

Index 607

Chapter 21 (Online) : Transposable Genetic Elements WC-1

Maize: A Staple Crop with a Cultural Heritage WC-1

Transposable Elements: An Overview WC-2

Transposable Elements in Bacteria WC-3

Is Elements WC-3

Composite Transposons WC-5

The Tn3 Element WC-5

Solve It: Accumulating Drug-Resistance Genes WC-5

Cut-and-Paste Transposons in Eukaryotes WC-7

Ac and Ds Elements in Maize WC-7

P Elements and Hybrid Dysgenesis in Drosophila WC-9

Problem-Solving Skills Analyzing

Transposon Activity in Maize W C - 10

Retroviruses and Retrotransposons WC-11

Retroviruses WC-12

Retroviruslike Elements WC-14

Retroposons WC-16

Transposable Elements in Humans WC-17

The Genetic and Evolutionary Significance of Transposable Elements WC-20

Transposons as Mutagens WC-20

Genetic Transformation with Transposons WC-20

Solve It Transposon-Mediated Chromosome Rearrangements W C - 22

Transposons and Genome Organization WC-22

Chapter 22 (Online) : The Genetic Control of Animal Development WC-28

Stem-Cell Therapy WC-28

A Genetic Perspective on Development WC-29

Maternal Gene Activity in Development WC-31

Maternal-Effect Genes WC-31

Determination of the Dorsal-Ventral and Anterior-Posterior Axes WC-32

Solve It:  A Maternal-Effect Mutation in the cinnamon Gene W C - 32

Zygotic Gene Activity in Development WC-35

Body Segmentation WC-35

Organ Formation WC-37

Specification of Cell Types WC-39

Solve It Cave Blindness W C - 39

Problem-Solving Skills The Effects of Mutations during Eye Development W C - 41

Genetic Analysis of Development in Vertebrates WC-41

Vertebrate Homologues of Invertebrate Genes WC-41

The Mouse: Random Insertion Mutations and Gene-specific Knockout Mutations WC-42

Studies with Mammalian Stem Cells WC-43

Reproductive Cloning WC-44

Genetic Changes in the Differentiation of Vertebrate Immune Cells WC-45

Chapter 23 (Online) :The Genetic Basis of Cancer WC-51

A Molecular Family Connection WC-51

Cancer: A Genetic Disease WC-52

The Many Forms of Cancer WC-52

Cancer and the Cell Cycle WC-53

Cancer and Programmed Cell Death WC-54

A Genetic Basis for Cancer WC-54

Oncogenes WC-55

Tumor-Inducing Retroviruses and Viral Oncogenes WC-55

Cellular Homologues of Viral Oncogenes: The Proto-Oncogenes WC-56

Solve It : The v-erbB and v-fms Viral Oncogenes WC-56

Mutant Cellular Oncogenes and Cancer WC-57

Chromosome Rearrangements and Cancer WC-59

Tumor Suppressor Genes WC-60

Inherited Cancers and Knudson’s Two-Hit Hypothesis WC-60

Cellular Roles of Tumor Suppressor Proteins WC-63

pRB WC-63

Problem-Solving Skills Estimating Mutation Rates in Retinoblastoma W C - 63

p53 WC-65

Solve It Downstream of p53 WC-65

pAPC WC-67

phMSH2 WC-68

pBRCA1 and pBRCA2 WC-69

Genetic Pathways to Cancer WC-70

Chapter 24 (Online) : Evolutionary Genetics WC-76

D’ou venons nous ? Que sommes nous ? Ou allons nous? WC-76

The Emergence of Evolutionary Theory WC-77

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution WC-77

Evolutionary Genetics WC-78

Genetic Variation in Natural Populations WC-79

Variation in Phenotypes WC-79

Variation in Chromosome Structure WC-80

Variation in Protein Structure WC-81

Variation in Nucleotide Sequences WC-81

Molecular Evolution WC-82

Molecules as “Documents of Evolutionary History” WC-83

Molecular Phylogenies WC-84

Rates of Molecular Evolution WC-84

Problem-Solving Skills Using Mitochondrial DNA to Establish a Phylogeny W C - 85

The Molecular Clock WC-87

Variation in the Evolution of Protein Sequences WC-87

Solve It Calculating Divergence Times W C - 87

Variation in the Evolution of DNA Sequences WC-88

The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution WC-89

Molecular Evolution and Phenotypic Evolution WC-90

Solve It Evolution by Mutation and Genetic Drift WC-90

Speciation WC-92

What Is a Species? WC-92

Modes of Speciation WC-94

Human Evolution WC-96

Humans and the Great Apes WC-96

Human Evolution in the Fossil Record WC-96

DNA Sequence Variation and Human Origins WC-97

Appendices (Online)

Appendix A: The Rules of Probability WA-1

Appendix B: Binomial Probabilities WA-3

Appendix C: Evolutionary Rates WA-5

Verlagsort New York
Sprache englisch
Maße 229 x 274 mm
Gewicht 1270 g
Themenwelt Naturwissenschaften Biologie Evolution
Naturwissenschaften Biologie Genetik / Molekularbiologie
ISBN-10 1-119-14228-8 / 1119142288
ISBN-13 978-1-119-14228-7 / 9781119142287
Zustand Neuware
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