Julia for Data Analysis - Bogumił Kaminski

Julia for Data Analysis

Buch | Softcover
426 Seiten
Manning Publications (Verlag)
978-1-63343-936-8 (ISBN)
57,35 inkl. MwSt
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Julia for Data Analysis teaches you how to handle core data analysis tasks with the Julia programming language. You'll start by reviewing language fundamentals you'll master essential data analysis skills through engaging examples. Along the way, you'll learn to easily transfer existing data pipelines to Julia.
Master core data analysis skills using Julia. Julia for Data Analysis is a fascinating, hands-on projects guide you through time series data, predictive models, popularity ranking, and more.

With this book, you will learn how to:

Read and write data in various formats
Work with tabular data, including subsetting, grouping, and transforming
Visualise your data using plots
Perform statistical analysis
Build predictive models
Create complex data processing pipelines

Julia was designed for the unique needs of data scientists: it's expressive and easy-to-use whilst also delivering super fast code execution.

Julia for Data Analysis teaches you how to perform core data science tasks with this amazing language. It is written by Bogumił Kamiński, a top contributor to Julia, #1 Julia answerer on StackOverflow, and a lead developer of Julia's core data package DataFrames.jl.

You will learn how to write production-quality code in Julia, and utilize Julia's core features for data gathering, visualisation, and working with data frames. Plus, the engaging hands-on projects get you into the action quickly.

About the technology Julia is a huge step forward for data science and scientific computing. It is a powerful high-performance programming language with many developer-friendly features like garbage collection, dynamic typing, just-in-time compilation, and a flexible approach to concurrent, parallel, and distributed computing. Although Julia's strong numerical programming features make it a favorite of data scientists, it is also an awesome general purpose programming language.

About the reader For data scientists familiar with Python or R. No experience with Julia required.

Bogumił Kamiński is one of the lead developers of DataFrames.jl — the core package for data manipulation in the Julia ecosystem. He has over 20 years of experience delivering data science projects for corporate customers. He has been teaching data science at the undergraduate and graduate levels for two decades.

Verlagsort New York
Sprache englisch
Maße 185 x 235 mm
Gewicht 860 g
Themenwelt Mathematik / Informatik Informatik Software Entwicklung
ISBN-10 1-63343-936-4 / 1633439364
ISBN-13 978-1-63343-936-8 / 9781633439368
Zustand Neuware
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