The Low-GL Diet Counter - Patrick Holford

The Low-GL Diet Counter

Discover the GL count of hundreds of foods


Buch | Softcover
96 Seiten
2011 | 2nd edition
Piatkus Books (Verlag)
978-0-7499-2678-6 (ISBN)
9,95 inkl. MwSt
A simple, easy-to-use guide to the GL count of foods, this invaluable little book will make it easy to choose the right foods for weight loss and better health
This is the perfect companion to Patrick Holford's bestselling LOW-GL DIET BIBLE. In THE LOW-GL DIET BIBLE, Patrick Holford revealed his brilliant weightloss diet. He explained how the simple principle of eating no more than 40 GLs a day can help you to lose weight, control your blood sugar and stop cravings. To maintain your weight, he recommends a total daily intake of no more than 60 GLs per day. The LOW-GL DIET COUNTER is the perfect tool to help you achieve whichever of these goals is appropriate to you. It contains a comprehensive list of foods, complete with recommended serving sizes and GL count, protein and fat content. Its easy-to-follow format provides an instant guide to which foods are good, OK and bad according to medically approved low-GL principles. Foods are divided into sections covering breakfast, snacks, main meals and restaurant meals, and each section specifies your daily GL goal - e.g. a maximum daily intake of 5 GLs for snacks and 10 GL for main meals, as well as an extra 5 GLs for drinks and puddings.

Patrick Holford is founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition in London. He is Britain's top nutrition expert and is the author of over 30 health books.

Erscheint lt. Verlag 2.6.2011
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 110 x 154 mm
Gewicht 51 g
Themenwelt Sachbuch/Ratgeber Gesundheit / Leben / Psychologie Ernährung / Diät / Fasten
Medizin / Pharmazie Gesundheitsfachberufe Diätassistenz / Ernährungsberatung
ISBN-10 0-7499-2678-3 / 0749926783
ISBN-13 978-0-7499-2678-6 / 9780749926786
Zustand Neuware
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