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Religion and American Cultures

Tradition, Diversity, and Popular Expression [4 volumes]

Gary Laderman, Luis León (Herausgeber)

2014 | 2nd edition
978-1-61069-109-3 (ISBN)
439,95 inkl. MwSt
This four-volume work provides a detailed, multicultural survey of established as well as "new" American religions and investigates the fascinating interactions between religion and ethnicity, gender, politics, regionalism, ethics, and popular culture.

This revised and expanded edition of Religion and American Cultures: Tradition, Diversity, and Popular Expression presents more than 140 essays that address contemporary spiritual practice and culture with a historical perspective. The entries cover virtually every religion in modern-day America as well as the role of religion in various aspects of U.S. culture. Readers will discover that Americans aren't largely Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish anymore, and that the number of popular religious identities is far greater than many would imagine. And although most Americans believe in a higher power, the fastest growing identity in the United States is the "nones"—those Americans who elect "none" when asked about their religious identity—thereby demonstrating how many individuals see their spirituality as something not easily defined or categorized.

The first volume explores America's multicultural communities and their religious practices, covering the range of different religions among Anglo-Americans and Euro-Americans as well as spirituality among Latino, African American, Native American, and Asian American communities. The second volume focuses on cultural aspects of religions, addressing topics such as film, Generation X, public sacred spaces, sexuality, and new religious expressions. The new third volume expands the range of topics covered with in-depth essays on additional topics such as interfaith families, religion in prisons, belief in the paranormal, and religion after September 11, 2001. The fourth volume is devoted to complementary primary source documents.

Gary Laderman, PhD, is professor of American religious history and cultures at Emory University, Atlanta, GA. Luis León, PhD, is associate professor in the department of religious studies at the University of Denver.

African American Religions
Anthony B. Pinn
African American Christianity
Sandy Dwayne Martin
African American Religious Leaders
Kathryn Lofton
African Americans and Islam
Aminah Beverly McCloud
African-Derived American Religions
Tracy E. Hucks
Asian American Religious Communities
Jane Naomi Iwamura
Chinese American Religious Communities
Timothy Tseng
Japanese American Religious Communities
Lori Pierce
Korean American Religious Communities
David K. Yoo
Pacific Islander American Religious Communities
Paul Spickard
South Asian American Religious Communities
Joyce Burkhalter Flueckiger
Buddhism in America
Stephen Prothero
Buddhist Churches of America
Mark Unno
Mahayana Religious Communities
Stuart Chandler
Soka Gakkai International–USA
Richard H. Seager
Theravada Religious Communities
Paul David Numrich
Tibetan Buddhism
Tara Nancy Doyle
Lori Pierce
Catholicism in America
Roberto S. Goizueta
Conversion to Catholicism
Patrick Allitt
Nuns and Priests
Tracy Fessenden
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Timothy Matovina
Public Catholicism
R. Scott Appleby
Vatican II
Chester Gillis
Hinduism in America
Vasudha Narayanan
Hare Krishna Movement
Edwin F. Bryant
Hindu Temples
Diana L. Eck
Prema A. Kurien
Vedanta Society
Rachel Fell McDermott
Islam in America
Bruce B. Lawrence
Ahmadiyyah Movement
Aminah Beverly McCloud
Conversion to Islam
R. Kevin Jaques and Donna L. Meigs-Jaques
Islamic Organizations in America
R. Kevin Jaques
Shi'ite Thought and History
Liyakatali Takim
Sufism in America
Marcia Hermansen
Sunni Religious Communities
Ebrahim Moosa
Judaism in America
Deborah Glanzberg-Krainin and Laura S. Levitt
American Jewish Identities
Karla A. Goldman
Assimilation and Jewish Ethnicity
Riv-Ellen Prell
Contemporary Jewishness/Judaism in America
Rachel Kranson
Holocaust and Israel
Oren Baruch Stier
Politics and the Identity of American Jews
Eric L. Goldstein
Latina/Latino Religious Communities
Luis León
Central and South American Religious Communities
Manuel A. Vásquez
Cuban American Religious Communities
Miguel A. De la Torre
Feminist Theology from a Mujerista Perspective
Ada María Isasi-Díaz
Latina/Latino Protestantism
Daniel Ramírez
Mexican American Religious Communities
Arlene M. Sánchez Walsh
Puerto Rican Religious Communities
Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo and Ana María Díaz-Stevens
Native American Religions and Politics
Joel W. Martin
Cynthia Carsten Wentz
Native North American Art
Zena Pearlstone
Alison Dundes Renteln
Lee Irwin
Two-Spirit People
Wesley Thomas
New Age
Sarah M. Pike
Dawn Hutchinson
Goddess Spirituality
Wendy Griffin
New Age Bestsellers
Matthew S. Hedstrom
Raëlian Movement
Glenn W. Shuck
Wendy Rose
Wendy Griffin
New Religious Traditions
Mary Farrell Bednarowski
Christian Science
Caroline Fraser
Communitarian Movements
Stephen J. Stein
Mind Cure
Pamela E. Klassen
Grant Underwood
Seventh-Day Adventism
Malcolm Bull
Vampire Culture
Dawn Perlmutter
Orthodox Christianity
James C. Skedros
Greek Orthodoxy
James C. Skedros
Native Alaskan Orthodoxy
S. A. Mousalimos
Oriental Orthodoxy
Andrew Walsh
Protestants and Orthodoxy
Andrew Walsh
Russian Orthodoxy
Eugene Clay
Protestantism in America
Randall Balmer
Church Growth Movement
Glenn Lucke
Richard E. Wentz
John Corrigan
Evangelicalism and Gender
Julie J. Ingersoll
Matthew Avery Sutton
Martha L. Finch
The Body
Mark D. Jordan
Asian Body Practices
Eric Reinders
Christian Spiritual Practices
Barbara A. B. Patterson
Linda B. Arthur
Luis León
R. Marie Griffith
Kim Hewitt
D. Angus Vail
Jeremy Biles
Gary Laderman
AIDS Quilt
Kimberly Rae Connor
Alison Dundes Renteln
Days of the Dead (Días de los Muertos)
Lara Medina
Paul F. Camenisch
Mourning Rituals
Kent A. McConnell
Roadside Shrines
Sylvia Ann Grider
Cathy Gutierrez
Peter Gardella
Aging, Eldership, and Religion
Michael D. McNally
Baby Boomers
Wade Clark Roof
Children and Young People
Susan B. Ridgely
The Family
Bradd Shore
Generation X
Tom Beaudoin
Material Culture
Colleen McDannell
Christian Retailing
Colleen McDannell
Modern Catholic Church Decorations
Colleen McDannell
Victorian Bibles
Colleen McDannell
Popular Culture
David Chidester
Tricia Sheffield
Cultural Saints
Martha Gail Hamner
Justin S. Holcomb
Judith Weisenfeld
Religion in the News
Mark Silk
Popular Theodicies
Robert Orsi
Antebellum America
Roberto R. Lint Sagarena
Civil War and the Late Nineteenth Century
Kent A. McConnell
Colonial Period
Kenneth P. Minkema
Evil in the Twentieth Century
Gary Laderman
Public Theologies and Political Culture
Steven M. Tipton
Civil Religion
Phillip Hammond
Civil Rights Movement
Quinton Hosford Dixie
Jason C. Bivins
Susana L. Gallardo
Jon Armajani
Alison Dundes Renteln
Mark Hulsether
Ritual and Performance
Ronald L. Grimes
Childbirth and Ritual
Robbie Davis-Floyd
Civic and Political Ritual Performances
Madeline Duntley
Sam Gill
Feminist Theater
Victoria Rue
Robert Kastenbaum
Gender Shows
Karen McCarthy Brown
Graham Reside
Allen Guttmann
Therapy and Healing
Barry Stephenson
Troy M. Messenger
Cele Otnes
Sacred Space
Vine Deloria Jr.
Brenda E. Brasher
Las Vegas
Gary Laderman
Sarah McFarland Taylor
Shopping Malls
Jon Pahl
Paul Courtright
The Suburban Home
Jon Pahl
Sacred Time
Richard J. Callahan Jr.
Ancient Communities of Time
Gerardo Aldana
Dell deChant
Dell deChant
End Times
Cathy Gutierrez
Fourth of July
Richard J. Callahan Jr.
Diana L. Eck
Richard J. Callahan Jr.
James Gilbert
Nicola Hoggard Creegan
Linda L. Barnes
Human Genome Project
Arri Eisen
Science Fiction
Lisle W. Dalton
Deborah J. Haynes
Louis A. Ruprecht Jr.
Louis A. Ruprecht Jr.
The Bible and Sodom in America
Daniel Boyarin
Kevin Reilly
Kevin Reilly
Sexual Dissidence
Kathleen M. Sands
Sexual Identities
Louis A. Ruprecht Jr.
Jean E. Rosenfeld
Amy DeRogatis
Amy Louise Wood
Brian K. Smith
Mark Juergensmeyer
Edward T. Linenthal
Religion after 9/11: An Ambiguous Legacy
Carl Raschke
Race and Religion in the 2012 Election: Of Milestones and Millstones
Nancy Wadsworth
Religion and Politics
William David Hart
Spirituality and Collective Identity: Imagining Individuals
Kerry Archer Mitchell
Religion and Protest in the American Experience
Peter Laarman
The Sex Abuse Scandal in the Roman Catholic Church
Theresa Torres
Religion and Education
Michael J. Altman
Muslims, Islam, and Making American Popular Culture
Hussein Rashid
Latina and Latino Muslim Religious Cultures
Harold Morales
Interfaith Marriage from Colonial Times to the Present
Samira K. Mehta
American Heathenry
Thad N. Horrell
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender American Religious Cultures
Randy P. Conner
The New Atheism
Gregory Allen Robbins
Popular Expression
Paranormal America
Jeffrey J. Kripal
Religion and Environment in Contemporary Popular Culture
Sarah McFarland Taylor
Religion in Prison
Religious Ethics in America
R. J. Hernández-Díaz
Travel and Religion
Ben Brazil
Religion and the Internet: Understanding Digital Religion, Social Media, and Culture
Pauline Hope Cheong
Introduction: Primary Documents
Privileges and Prerogatives Granted by Their Catholic Majesties to Christopher Columbus (1492)
Excerpt from Anne Hutchinson Trial (1637)
Excerpt from Cambridge Platform, Congregational Church Synod (1648)
The Maryland Toleration Act (1649)
Half-Way Covenant, Congregational Synod (1662)
Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges (1701)
Cotton Mather, Excerpts from Magnalia Christi Americana: or, the Ecclesiastical History of New England (1702)
Jonathan Edwards, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," Enfield, Connecticut (July 8, 1741)
George Whitefield, "The Eternity of Hell-Torments" (1772)
Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776)
Charles Chauncy, Excerpt from The Salvation of All Men (1784)
Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, "Query XIV, on Laws" (1787)
Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, "Query XVII, The Different Religions Received Into That State?" (1787)
Thomas Paine, Excerpt from "Of the Religion of Deism Compared with the Christian Religion, and the Superiority of the Former over the Latter" (1804)
Thomas Jefferson, "To the Chiefs of the Cherokee Nation" (January 10, 1806)
John Adams, Letter to Thomas Jefferson (September 14, 1813)
William Ellery Channing, Excerpt from "Unitarian Christianity" (1830)
Charles Grandison Finney, Excerpt from What a Revival of Religion Is (1835)
Angelina E. Grimké, Excerpt from Appeal to the Christian Women of the South (1836)
James Russell Lowell, The Present Crisis (1845)
McGuffey's Reader Excerpt (1848)
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (February 2, 1848)
Sojourner Truth, "Another Camp Meeting" (1850)
"Treaty with the Apache" (July 1, 1852)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, "Address to the First Annual Meeting of the Woman's State Temperance Society," Rochester, New York (June 1, 1853)
Walt Whitman, "The Song of the Open Road" (1856)
Henry David Thoreau, "A Plea for Captain John Brown" (1859)
Georgia Secession (January 29, 1861)
Harlan Page, "Motives to Early Piety" (1861)
Julia Ward Howe, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" (1862)
Abraham Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation (January 1, 1863)
Emma Lazarus, "The New Colossus" (1883)
Pittsburgh Platform, Central Conference of American Rabbis (1885)
Frances E. W. Harper, "The Woman's Christian Temperance Union and the Colored Woman" (1888)
Andrew Carnegie, Excerpt from The Gospel of Wealth (1889)
H. P. Blavatsky, Excerpt from "Theosophy and the Theosophical Society: The Meaning of the Name" (1889)
Swami Vivekananda, Remarks at the World's Parliament of Religions Chicago (September 11, 1893)
Andrew Dickson White, Excerpt from A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (1896)
Robert Green Ingersoll, Why I Am an Agnostic (1896)
Swami Vivekananda, Excerpt from The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda (1900)
W.E.B. Du Bois, Excerpt from The Souls of Black Folk (1903)
H. L. Mencken, "In Memoriam: W.J.B." (1925)
Cecil B. DeMille, "The Screen as a Religious Teacher," in Theatre (June 1927)
The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930
Langston Hughes, "Christ in Alabama" (1931)
John Dewey, Excerpt from A Common Faith (1934)
Cyril E. Bentley, Clergy Letter to Franklin Delano Roosevelt (November 15, 1935)
Virgil Michel, "The Liturgy the Basis of Social Regeneration," from The Liturgy of the Church According to the Roman Rite and Orate Frates (1938)
Dorothy Day, "Aims and Purposes" (1940)
Eleanor Roosevelt, "Civil Liberties—The Individual and the Community" (March 14, 1940)
Thomas Sugrue, Excerpt from There Is a River: The Story of Edgar Cayce (1945)
H. L. Mencken, Excerpt from Minority Report (1956)
Dwight Eisenhower, Military-Industrial Complex Speech (1961)
Elijah Muhammad, "What the Muslims Want," from the Nation of Islam (1964)
Religion and Evolution, 1: O. W. Garrigan, "On Evolution," from The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5 (1967)
Religion and Evolution, 2: Philip Hefner, "The Churches and Evolution," from Changing Man: The Threat and the Promise (1968)
Ruth Montgomery, "How to Remember," from Here and Hereafter (1968)
James Nelson, "Homosexuality and the Church," in Christianity and Crisis (1977)
Jimmy Carter, Inaugural Address (January 20, 1977)
Camp David Accords (September 17, 1978)
Shakti Gawain, Excerpt from Creative Visualization (1978)
American Indian Religious Freedom Act, U.S. Congress (1978)
Jerry Falwell, Excerpt from Listen, America! (1980)
"Declaration on Euthanasia," Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican (May 5, 1980)
Ronald Reagan, the Evil Empire Speech, Delivered to the National Association of Evangelicals, Orlando, Florida (March 8, 1983)
Spalding Gray, Excerpt from Sex and Death at the Age of Fourteen (1986)
Daisaku Ikeda, Excerpt from Songs for America: Poems by Daisaku Ikeda (1987)
Klezmatics, Lyrics from "Ale Brider/We're All Brothers," on Shvaygen = Toyt (Silence Equals Death), Piranha Records (1988)
Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhism Is the Clear Mirror That Reflects Our Lives, Delivered at the First SGI-USA Women's Division Meeting, Soka University of America, Calabasas, California (February 27, 1990)
Pat Robertson, Excerpt from The New World Order (1991)
Thomas Simmons, Excerpt from The Unseen Shore: Memories of a Christian Science Childhood (1991)
Religious Freedom Restoration Act, U.S. Congress (1993)
Jim Wallis, "Renewing the Heart of Faith: A Prophetic Convergence of the People of God," in Sojourners (February 1993)
Anonymous Letter from Parents of a Gay Son, in Lutheran Partners (January/February 1994)
Diana Eck, "Difference Is No Excuse for Hatred," in Christian Social Action (May 1994)
William J. Clinton, Indian Sacred Sites, Executive Order 13007 (May 24, 1996)
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) (2000)
Teresa Watanabe, "A Season for Understanding: Observance of Islam's Holy Period of Ramadan Begins Monday with Fasting and an Emphasis on Self-Restraint and Generosity…" (November 25, 2000)
George W. Bush, September 11 Attack on America, Proclamation 7462 (September 13, 2001)
Immigration and Naturalization Service, Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America (November 2, 2002)
Barack Obama, Inaugural Address (2009)
Selected Bibliography

Erscheint lt. Verlag 17.12.2014
Zusatzinfo 112 bw illus
Sprache englisch
Gewicht 4990 g
Themenwelt Geisteswissenschaften Geschichte Regional- / Ländergeschichte
Geschichte Teilgebiete der Geschichte Religionsgeschichte
ISBN-10 1-61069-109-1 / 1610691091
ISBN-13 978-1-61069-109-3 / 9781610691093
Zustand Neuware
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