BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Wound Management and Reconstruction - J Williams

BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Wound Management and Reconstruction


Buch | Softcover
250 Seiten
2009 | 2. Auflage
British Small Animal Veterinary Association (Verlag)
978-1-905319-09-1 (ISBN)
108,95 inkl. MwSt
The second edition of this best selling Manual has been thoroughly revised and updated under the direction of the new editorial team of John Williams and Alison Moores. Topics covered include wound healing, decision-making in closure, axial pattern flaps and pedicled muscle flaps. In addition, the Manual features case studies and step-by-step operative techniques. Specially commissioned illustrations accompany the chapters.

1. The biology of wound healing (Giselle Hosgood).
2. Wound aetiology and classification (Juliet Pope).
3. Decision-making in wound closure (John Williams).
4. Management of open wounds (Davina Anderson).
5. Surgical drains in wound management and reconstructive surgery (Jane Ladlow).
6. Tension-relieving techniques and local skin flaps (Philipp Mayhew).
7. Axial pattern flap (Alison Moores).
8. Free skin grafting (Richard A.S. White).
9. Pedicled muscle flaps (Stephen Baines).
10. Microsurgery (David Fowler and John Williams).
11. Special considerations in wound management (Jacqui D. Niles).
12. Complications of wound healing (Ed Friend).

Reihe/Serie BSAVA - British Small Animal Veterinary Association
Verlagsort Quedgeley, Gloucs
Sprache englisch
Maße 210 x 294 mm
Gewicht 922 g
Einbandart kartoniert
Themenwelt Veterinärmedizin Klinische Fächer Chirurgie
Veterinärmedizin Klinische Fächer Pathologie
Veterinärmedizin Kleintier Chirurgie
ISBN-10 1-905319-09-6 / 1905319096
ISBN-13 978-1-905319-09-1 / 9781905319091
Zustand Neuware
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